Mobile Legends M3 World Championship Power Rankings

John Dave Rossel
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Mobile Legends M3 World Championship Power Rankings</p></div>

One of the most prestigious Mobile Legends: Bang Bang esports events, the M3 World Championship is set for a grand commencement on 6th Dec 2021. The event will feature 16 top-tier teams from around the world competing for the lion’s share of the $800,000 USD prize pool and the title of world champions. The stakes are high this time around since there will be more regions participating in the event. The tournament will also be accepting live audiences, albeit with a few limitations to ensure the safety of everyone at the venue.

During the previous M2 World Championship, we saw the Philippines team Bren Esports taking the championship title with a scintillating 4-3 victory in the Grand Finals against the Burmese team, Burmese Ghouls. It was one of the exhilarating moments for the Philippines region as it finally acquired its first world championship title.

However, a lot has changed since the conclusion of the M2 World Championship. New regions have emerged as contenders for the upcoming esports event. With the pool of participants being far more diverse, the M3 World Championship aims to be the start of a much larger scale esports event for the mobile MOBA title.

To welcome the upcoming M3 World Championship, we’ve thrown together a power ranking list based on each team’s recent performance and achievements.

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