Interview With Mss: "I Packed My Bags and Just Left."

Daniel Royte
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>An Interview With MSS</p></div>

Arif “MSS” Anwar is a veteran of the North American Dota 2 scene, and the Dota 2 pro scene as a whole. The (presently) support player has gone through many rosters, teams, and positions over the years, and currently plays for the recent North America (NA) Dota Pro Circuit ( DPC) champion, Quincy Crew.

Today, MSS is a name that’s often heard on the professional Dota 2 circuit, but few know that he had a less than traditional start to his esports career.

MSS's journey in gaming and becoming a pro Dota 2 player

Arif started playing games in the early 2010s, courtesy of his brother. He would watch his brother play Dota 1 but on account of having strict parents, he did not have a computer of his own. As is the case for many other veterans of Dota 2 esports, Arif was one of the first to start playing Dota 2 when its beta was announced in 2010.

“I didn’t have access to a computer to play games during my childhood so it was rare that I got to play. But at one point, I got a laptop and started playing HoN (Heroes of Newerth)”

MSS was one of the first players to get a Dota 2 beta key and immediately got hooked.

“Then I just started grinding a lot. I played a bunch and eventually, I got recognized by some people, and then I started getting offers to stand-in for teams.”

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