Global Esports Eliminated From BGIS 2023: The Grind

Umesh Borkar
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Global Esports&nbsp;</p></div>
Global Esports&nbsp;


Global Esports failed to qualify under the leadership of Mavi.
Mavi is one of the best IGLs in the BGMI Esports scene and fans had a lot of expectations from him and the team.

Week 3 of Battleground Mobile India Series (BGIS) The Grind 2023 saw Global Esports get eliminated from the tournament. This was the debut event for the newly formed team. Global Esports had a decent run in Week 1 of the tournament and its elimination from the event came as quite a surprise for the fans.

Global Esports was one of the teams invited by Krafton in BGIS 2023 The Grind. This event gave 256 invited teams an opportunity to directly qualify for the main event, Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2023. The squad, led by Harmandeep “Mavi” Singh, bore high expectations from the fans. But their journey in the tournament was cut short in Week 3 of BGIS 2023 The Grind.

Global Esports had faced intense competition from the other teams in its group in Week 1 of BGIS 2023 The Grind, but despite the stiff opposition the team somehow managed to qualify for Week 3. To advance into the further stages Global Esports had to be placed in the top 8 teams in its group. The path ahead became difficult for the team as it failed to manage the pressure in intense situations.

Global Esports Week 3 Match Summary 

Global Esports formed a new team before BGIS 2023 The Grind under the leadership of Mavi and Coach Mayavi. Mavi is hailed as one of the best In Game Leaders (IGL) in the BGMI Esports scene, so everyone was expecting some amazing performances from Global Esports. The team was a mix of young and upcoming players playing alongside experienced players like Mavi. Here is the summary of all the matches played by Global Esports in BGIS 2023 The Grind Week 3:

Match 1 Erangel: The first match for Global Esports was excellent as the team was able to secure 10 finish points and 1 placement point for a total of  11 points. This start looked promising as it would give them confidence in further matches.

Match 2 Miramar: In Miramar the team had a decent performance. Picking up 4 finish points and 1 placement point for a totla of 5 points. The team placed 9th overall with a total of 16 points.

Match 3 Sanhok: Sanhok helped Global esports climb into the top 8. The team was able to secure 3 finish points and 6 placement points for a total of 9 points leading it to be placed 8th with a total of 25 points.

Match 4 Vikendi: Global Esports displayed patience on the map of Vikendi which led the team to secure 6 placement points but only 1 finish point for a total of 7 points.

Match 5 Miramar: On the map of Miramar Global Esports gained back its momentum and was able to secure 8 finish points along with 2 placement points for a total of 10 points. After match five Global Esports had 42 overall points.

Match 6 Erangel: The most crucial match for Global Esports was match six, where the team failed to obtain even a single point. The team had zero placement and finish points.

Global Esports overall standing

Global Esports’ Future in BGIS 2023

BGIS 2023 The Grind was an invite only event for well known teams as well as underdog teams. The event provided the invited teams an opportunity to qualify directly into BGIS 2023 without going through the process of in-game qualifiers.

Global Esports was placed 11th in its group and failed to make it to the top 8, and was eliminated from the tournament.

But the road for Global Esports in BGIS has not ended yet. The team can go through the in-game qualifiers and make it to BGIS 2023. The in-game qualifiers require a lot of teamwork, determination and confidence. Only time will tell whether Global Esports has the resolve and fortitude to grind it out in the in-game qualifiers and make it to BGIS 2023.

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Umesh is a passionate gamer having experience in a variety of mobile and PC gaming titles. Having played his fare share of games has allowed him to express his thoughts with ease. His present focus is on the Indian region.