TSM NinjaJOD with MVP trophy


TSM NinjaJOD: Control, Gyroscope, and ADS Sensitivity Settings Explained

Vignesh Raghuram
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Shubham “NinjaJOD” Ranjan Sahoo is a professional player in the popular mobile game Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI). He plays for the team TSM India and is known for his exceptional skills as an assaulter. In his professional career, NinjaJOD has achieved a great deal of success, winning multiple titles including the Nodwin x Loco All Stars Invitational and the Skyesports Mobile Open.

In addition to his professional gaming career, NinjaJOD is also active on YouTube where he creates content related to BGMI and streams his gameplay for his followers. He has built a strong following online and is highly respected in the gaming community for his talent and dedication to the game.

As a result, many try to emulate his playstyle by copying his in-game settings and trying to replicate how NinjaJOD plays BGMI. Here’s all you need to know about his Control Sensitivity, Gyroscope Sensitivity, and ADS Sensitivity settings.

NinjaJOD Sensitivity and Layout

NinjaJOD’s sensitivity settings that he generally uses have been shared on his Discord and are as follows

Aiming Down Site (ADS) sensitivity:

  • 3rd Person No Scope: 76%

  • 1st Person No Scope: 76%

  • TPP Aim: 1%

  • FPP AimL: 30%

  • Red Dot, Holo, Aim Assist: 1%

  • 2x Scope: 1%

  • 3x Scope, Win94: 1%

  • 4x Scope, VSS: 1%

  • 6x Scope: 6%

  • 8x Scope: 6%

Camera sensitivity:

  • 3rd Person No Scope: 120%

  • 1st Person No Scope: 120%

  • TPP Aim: 25%

  • FPP AimL: 25%

  • Red Dot, Holo, Aim Assist: 1%

  • 2x Scope: 15%

  • 3x Scope: 22%

  • 4x Scope: 17%

  • 6x Scope: 60%

  • 8x Scope: 60%

Gyroscope sensitivity:

  • 3rd Person No Scope: 400%

  • 1st Person No Scope: 400%

  • TPP Aim: 1%

  • FPP AimL: 1%

  • Red dot, Holo, Aim Assist: 300%

  • 2x Scope: 300%

  • 3x Scope, Win94: 235%

  • 4x Scope, VSS: 200%

  • 6x Scope: 60%

  • 8x Scope: 60%

Control Settings:

NinjaJOD currently uses a 2 Finger Setup for his control settings:

You can use the following Control code to copy them for your use. 

Control Code: 7120-0793-5103-3379-601

NinjaJOD control settings


It is not uncommon for players to try and mimic the control settings of their favorite players in an effort to improve their own gameplay. However, it is important for fans to understand that copying someone's control settings alone will not necessarily lead to drastic improvements in their own gameplay.

There are many factors that contribute to a player's skill and success, including their in-game strategy, decision making, and overall knowledge of the game. Additionally, every player has their own individual playstyle and preferences, and what works well for one player may not work as well for another. As such, it is important for players to experiment and find the control settings that work best for them personally.

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Vignesh has been covering the esports industry for nearly 5 years starting with the early days of the DPC. His industry expertise includes experience in Dota 2, CS:GO and Mobile Esports coverage.

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