Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) offers its players various features which has made the game popular not only among the youth but also with the older generation. The game revolves around a theme in every major update and offers its fans events and rewards based on that theme. It has various modes and also keeps introducing new features such as weapons, vehicles and events which keeps the players engaged and also attracts new players to the game.
How many players play BGMI?
Although BGMI was banned last year due to privacy concerns, its popularity among players and viewers did not reduce during the prohibition period. Since the ban was lifted in May 2023, the esports scene and viewership have risen significantly.
As of October 2023, BGMI has over 100 million downloads on Android devices. The majority of the game's player base plays the game on Android devices and its features and graphics have been tailored to be compatible with low end devices as well which is one of the main reasons for the game’s popularity. The number of players who play the game on iOS devices is not known, but is expected to be high as most of the esports athletes in the country prefer to play the game on iOS devices.
Here is the peak viewership of BGMI tournaments according to Esports charts:
When BGMI was launched in 2021 it witnessed the highest viewership with 537,849 viewers in the launch party event. The first official tournament after the game's release was Battlegrounds Mobile India Series (BGIS) 2021 with 460,034 viewers. Battlegrounds Mobile India Pro Series (BMPS) Season 1 saw 304,709 spectators turn up to watch the event. After the game returned in May 2023 the first official event, BGIS 2023, saw over 233,610 viewers, which is the fifth highest overall.
The game has also seen two editions of Battlegrounds Mobile India Masters Series (BGMS) Season 1 and 2 telecasted on live television. The second edition was telecasted in multiple languages to attract viewers from all over the country.
BGMI has seen a significant rise in the number of esports athletes since its unban in May 2023. For the same reason, Krafton had to expand the number of teams that participated in BGIS 2023 The Grind. The number of players and viewers is only going to increase over a period of time as more and more people are getting into the game.