How to Get into Game Development in India - Part 2 - Education & Payscales

Education Pathways, Job Locations, and Payscale Insights

Harish Chengaiah
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>How to Get into Game Development - Part 2 - Education &amp; Payscales</p></div>
How to Get into Game Development - Part 2 - Education &amp; Payscales


AFK Gaming

The previous article in this series would have given you a comprehensive understanding of the various job roles within game development but what is the payscale like? In which part of India are these opportunities available? Can you immigrate and work in one of those AAA studios abroad? But before all that, what is a viable education pathway to access these career opportunities? 

This article will provide you answers to each of those questions. But before proceeding any further, remember two things - 

  1. Game studios don’t give a damn about your educational qualifications

  2. The only thing that can land you a job at a game company is the quality of your portfolio (your body of work)  

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