Genshin Impact: Just How Strong is Fontaine’s Chief Justice Neuvillette?

Daniel Royte
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Genshin Impact: Just How Strong is Fontaine’s Chief Justice Neuvillette?</p></div>
Genshin Impact: Just How Strong is Fontaine’s Chief Justice Neuvillette?


In Genshin Impact, the introduction of Chief Justice Neuvillette in the Fontaine region has sparked intense speculation about his power and potential dominance.
To assess Neuvillette's strength accurately, we must delve into the lore and in-game clues rather than relying solely on gameplay mechanics.
So, let's explore the evidence and theories that suggest Neuvillette might be on par with or even surpassing the mighty Archons.

The world of Teyvat is no stranger to formidable characters, with Archons reigning as some of the most powerful beings in Genshin Impact. However, the Archon Quest of Fontaine has sparked discussions about the true strength of Fontaine's Chief Justice Neuvillette, leaving players wondering: Is Neuvillette even stronger than the Archons themselves?

To assess Neuvillette's strength accurately, we must delve into the lore and in-game clues rather than relying solely on gameplay mechanics. After all, power in the Genshin Impact universe is not always synonymous with a character's in-game performance.

The Mystery of Neuvillette's Identity

Firstly, it's essential to clarify that this analysis is grounded in in-universe feats and facts, excluding gameplay mechanics that might not accurately represent a character's capabilities. Additionally, be prepared for potential spoilers from Genshin Impact 4.1 as we delve into the intriguing aspects of Neuvillette's strength.

One source of intrigue surrounding Neuvillette's strength comes from his voice lines upon reaching his final Ascension. In one translation, he states, "I took back a corner of the Seven Powers from the usurper, this is my true form, I'm now the 'Complete Dragon,' and I'm strong enough to judge the other gods. My destiny will be to judge the arrogant king of high heaven. But before that, I will lend you my power." This voice line suggests that Neuvillette is confident about his ability to "judge the other gods," which includes the Archons.

Furthermore, Neuvillette's voice lines for the Archons, including Zhongli and Venti, emphasize his determination to exercise judgment over them. His unwavering resolve suggests that he considers himself their equal or superior.

While some speculate about Neuvillette's relationship with Furina, the specifics remain hidden. Leaks have hinted at a voice line that may shed light on his thoughts about her, but we must exercise patience for further revelations.

The Dragon Connection

Neuvillette's leaked voice lines also hint at his identity as a dragon, a term closely associated with the Sovereigns of Teyvat. Considering that even Zhongli, one of the mightiest characters in Genshin Impact, could not easily subdue Azhdaha, a Geo Dragon, Neuvillette's claim of being a "perfect dragon" raises intriguing possibilities.

The Seven Sovereigns are believed to have ruled Teyvat before the Archons, indicating their immense power. If Neuvillette truly embodies the legacy of the Sovereigns, it suggests that he could be on par with or even surpass the Seven Archons.

As Genshin Impact continues to unveil its lore, Travelers can look forward to discovering whether Neuvillette does indeed surpass the Archons in strength. The relationship between Sovereigns and Dragons, as well as the true extent of Neuvillette's abilities, will undoubtedly be explored further, adding depth to the ever-evolving story of Teyvat.

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Daniel is an under-grad and has grown up with esports titles like Dota 2 cultivating a passion for esports. His current beats include in-depth coverage of Dota 2 and Mobile Legends.