As a sequel to the hit Anime Fighting Simulator, the X installment is an action clicker bringing heroes and villains from the anime universe. You can train your characters to become powerful, battle dangerous bosses, or go head-to-head against your friends to see who’s the best!
Need the latest Anime Fighting Simulator X codes to boost your character? We’ve got you covered; here’s a list of this month's latest Anime Fighting Simulator X codes.
Roblox: All Anime Fighting Simulator X Codes
Anime Fighting Simulator X is a Roblox game where you build up your characters within different worlds of the anime universe. With the help of Anime Fighting Simulator X codes, you can become the best fighter out there and get the free rewards.
All Active Anime Fighting Simulator X Codes
THANKSFOR175K—Enter this code to claim 3 Adventures Tickets, 2 Stat Boosts, and 1 Fighting Pass Ticket (New)
FIGHTINGPASSISBACK—Enter this code to claim 2 Stat Boosts, 2 Yen Boosts, 50k Chikara, and 1 Fighting Pass Ticket (New)
QuickShutdown—Enter this code to claim 1 Stats Boost and 1 Yen Boost (New)
150K150K—Enter this code to claim 2 Stats Boosts and 2 Yen Boosts (New)
OMGUPDATE3OMG—Enter this code to claim 2 Stats Boosts and 2 Yen Boosts (New)
Bandites—Enter this code to claim 5k Chikara
bugFixwithYenOMG—Enter this code to claim 2 Stats Boosts and 2 Tournaments Coins Boosts
125KLIKESOMG—Enter this code to claim 2 Stats Boosts and 2 Yen Boosts
UPDATE2OUTNOW—Enter this code to claim 2 Stat Boosts and 2 Yen Boosts
AnotherQuickPatchUpdate—Enter this code to claim 1 Stat Boost and 1 Yen Boost
LETSGO100K—Enter this code to claim 20,000 Chikara shards, 2 Eri Shards, and 2 Stat Boosts
All Expired Anime Fighting Simulator X Codes
UPDATE1OUTNOW—Enter this code to claim 2 Stat Boosts and 10K Chikara
75KLIKESOMG—Enter this code to claim 2 Stat Boosts and 10K Chikara
NICESHUTDOWN—Enter this code to claim 1 Stat Boost and 1 Yen Boost
AWESOME50KLIKES—Enter this code to claim 10K Chikara and 2 Stat Boosts
bruh3shutdowns—Enter this code to claim 5K Chikara
RELEASE—Enter this code to claim 5k Chikara
10KLIKESTHANKYOU—Enter this code to claim 10k Chikara
35KWOW—Enter this code to claim 10k Chikara and 2 Stats Boosts
anotherBugFixes—Enter this code to claim 1 Stats Boost
bugsFixes—Enter this code to claim 1 Stats Boost and 3 Shiny Rocks
OMG20KLIKES—Enter this code to claim 2 Shiny Rocks
sorryForShutdown—Enter this code to claim 1 Shiny Rock
Roblox: How to Redeem Codes in Anime Fighting Simulator X?
In order to redeem Anime Fighting Simulator X codes, you need to –
Open Anime Fighting Simulator X
Click on the burger menu icon
Choose the X bird icon from the menu
Enter the code exactly as it appears in the list above
Enjoy your free rewards!
Be sure to follow us as we’ll update you regularly and share all active Roblox Anime Fighting Simulator X codes to help you get free rewards.