New Far Cry 7 Story Details Emerge

Abhimannu Das
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Far Cry 7</p></div>
Far Cry 7


A new set of Far Cry 7 leaks have emerged implying that we are getting a new Far Cry game in 2025.
Previous leaks about “Far Cry: Rise” were debunked by Insider Gaming’s sources but now we have some fresh information to share.
All leaked information should be taken with a grain of salt as Ubisoft is yet to reveal the game officially.

According to a report by Insider Gaming, new details about Far Cry 7 have emerged. The game is currently titled Project Blackbird internally and is scheduled to release in 2025’s Fall season. The game is currently in development at Ubisoft Montreal and will make the jump from the Dunia engine to Snowdrop. If you have been waiting for Far Cry 7 news, here’s what we know so far.

What we know about Far Cry 7 so far

Earlier this year, there was a purported leak regarding Far Cry 7, suggesting that the game would be titled "Far Cry: Rise" and set on a fictional tropical island named Kimsan, located in the Yellow Sea near Korea. However, Insider Gaming's sources have discredited this leak, so we won't delve into further details from this rumor.

The upcoming installment in the series will feature a non-linear storyline centered around the rescue of the player's kidnapped family. The plot revolves around a wealthy family abducted by a mysterious group known as the 'Sons of Truth'. 

While specific details may change during the game's development, the main objective of the campaign is to rescue the entire family within a defined time frame. Currently, the in-game timer is set at 72 hours, equivalent to 24 real-time hours, but it can be paused when the player enters a safehouse.

Far Cry 7's non-linear narrative allows players to rescue family members in any order, and it's possible for some family members to meet unfortunate fates, which affects the overall storyline. While the details remain somewhat unclear, the primary goal is to dismantle the 'Sons of Truth', and to achieve 100% completion, players must ensure the safe rescue of all family members.

In the pursuit of locating family members, Far Cry 7 introduces a new interrogation mechanic, but obtaining crucial information from enemies is not guaranteed. Sometimes, enemies may provide the necessary details, while at other times, they might lie, remain silent, or even attempt to escape.

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Abhimannu is a PC esports writer at AFK Gaming. With over seven years of experience in esports journalism, he has worked on a myriad of games and their ecosystems including Valorant, Overwatch and Apex Legends.