Lies of P is a constant back and forth between mind boggling puzzles and their answers. These complex phone puzzles are intricately tied to the narrative of the game. These puzzles surface after players answer the ringing phone. While answers to some puzzles come easily, others may require you to explore different parts of Krat. These puzzles not only help you exercise your mind but are also the gateway to opening the Trinity Doors. In this article, we’ll help you solve these riddles so that you can open doors that lead to Trinity Sanctums.
Answers to Lies of P Puzzles
In order to solve these puzzles, players will have to find different phone booths at different stages of the game. There are five phone puzzles in the game in five different locations and stages of the game. They are as follows;
Phone 1 - Krat City Hall Courtyard
Chapter 2
Question - By morning, it walks on feet numbering four. At midday just two, no less and no more. It walks on three feet when evening arrives. And if you solve this, then I'll know you're alive.
Answer - Human
Phone 2 - Malum District
Chapter 5
Question - I stand tall and proud when I'm young and bold. But I'm short and humble once I've gotten old. What am I?
Answer - Candle
Phone 3 - Grand Exhibition Gallery
Chapter 7
Question - Think about this, whatever it takes: what cannot be used before it breaks?
Answer - Egg
Phone 4 - Krat Central Station Street
Chapter 9
Question - This blue flower has many ways to take root. But only on man does it ever bear fruit.
Answer - Ergo
Phone 5 - Relic of Trismegistus Entrance
Chapter 10
Question - This one is black and white, a no or a yes; is Geppetto's creation a killer? Confess!
Answer - You can answer either yes or no, because regardless of your answer, you will receive the reward. It will either be the Chosen One's Trinity Key, or the King of Riddles' Supply Box. If you receive the Supply Box, you can open it through the Collectible tab in the menu. And you’ll receive the Trinity Key nonetheless!