iiTzTimmy The Finals Settings

Aditi Joshi
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>iiTzTimmy The Finals Settings</p></div>
iiTzTimmy The Finals Settings


The Finals

Players who are looking to improve their gameplay generally follow their favorite gamers and scout out their settings.
While you can take inspiration from their game settings, you can tweak them to suit your own gameplay.
Here are The Finals settings that iiTzTimmy uses in his gameplay.

In titles like The Finals, tweaking graphics and other settings is crucial to avoiding issues like lag, stuttering, and poor audio that can hinder your chances of victory. Players usually rely on other pro gamers to avoid these mistakes. They follow their favorite gamers and imitate their game settings to establish a similar gaming landscape for themselves.

One gamer that players have been relying on for a long time for The Finals settings is Timothy "iiTzTimmy" An. In this article, we'll take a look at iiTzTimmy The Finals settings.

iiTzTimmy The Finals Settings

iiTzTimmy is a popular gaming streamer who has been making the rounds in The Finals community after accumulating massive success in Season 1 of the game. Recently, he also shared his best settings for The Finals with his audience, allowing them to take a sneak peek into his gaming landscape.

Players are jumping into iiTzTimmy's world by imitating his game settings. However, it is important to note that just copying the settings does not ensure direct success. It is crucial to tweak the settings according to what suits you.

On that note, you can also gauge iiTzTimmy's settings and find out what works best for you. He has shared his mouse settings, key bindings, audio settings and much more. Let us take a look at them one by one.

iiTzTimmy Graphics Settings for The Finals

The graphics settings used by iiTzTimmy are as follows:

  • Display and Resolution

    • Window Mode – Windowed Fullscreen

  • Resolution – 1920×1080

  • NVIDIA DLSS Fame Generation – Enabled

    • Resolution Scaling Method – NVIDIA DLSS

    • NVIDIA DLSS – Quality

  • Graphics

    • Field of View – 100

    • Motion Blur – Disabled

    • Lens Distortion – Disabled

  • Ray Tracing

    • NVIDIA RTX Global Illumination – Static

  • Quality

    • Overall quality level – Low

    • View Distance – Low

    • Anti Aliasing – Low

    • Shadows – Low

    • Post-processing – Low

    • Texture – Low

    • Effects – Low

    • Foliage – Low

    • Global Illumination Resolution – Low

iiTzTimmy Gameplay Settings for The Finals

The gameplay settings that iiTzTimmy uses are as follows:

  • Gameplay Settings

    • Use Team Enemy Colors – On

    • Hide player names – Off

  • Region

    • Matchmaking Region – Automatic

  • Network

    • Crossplay – Off

  • Crosshair

    • Width – 1

    • Outline Width- 3

    • Red – 0

    • Green – 0

    • Blue – 0

    • Red outline – 0

    • Green outline – 0

    • Blue outline – 0

    • Center Dot – On

    • Center Dot Radius – 4

    • Opacity – 100

iiTzTimmy Accessibility Settings for The Finals

The accessibility settings for The Finals by iiTzTimmy are as follows:

  • Colors

    • Colorblind Mode – Default

  • Subtitles

    • Subtitles – On

    • Subtitle Background Opacity – 0

    • Subtitle Text size – Small

  • Video

    • Motion Blur – Disabled

  • Crosshair

    • Same as above

iiTzTimmy Audio Settings for The Finals

The audio settings used by iiTzTimmy are as follows:

  • Volume

    • Master Volume – 80

    • Music Volume – 0

    • SFX Volume – 25

    • Dialogue Volume – 0

  • Subtitles

    • same as above

  • Voice chat

    • Enable voice chat – On

    • Mode – Push to Talk

    • Voice Chat Input device – Subjective

    • Voice Chat Output device – Subjective

    • Voice Chat Output Volume – 100

iiTzTimmy Mouse and Key binding Settings for The Finals

The mouse and key binding settings used by iiTzTimmy are as follows:

  • Mouse settings

    • Mouse look sensitivity – 18

    • Mouse DPI (as per Twitch chat bot) – 1800

    • Mouse Zoom sensitivity multiplayer – 100%

    • Mouse Invert Vertical Look Input – Off

    • Mouse Focal Length Sensitivity Scaling – Off

  • Key bindings

    • Forward – W

    • Backward – S

    • Right – D

    • Left – A

    • Jump – Space bar

    • Interact – E

    • Primary Fire – Left mouse click

    • Secondary Fire – Right mouse click

    • Sprint (Hold) – NA

    • Sprint (Toggle) – Left Shift

    • Use Ability – Q

    • Reload – R

    • Ping – V

    • Melee attack – Left Alt

    • Crouch/Slide (Hold) – Left Ctrl

    • Crouch/ Slide (Toggle) – C

    • Aim down sight (hold) – Right mouse button

    • Aim down sight (toggle) – NA

    • Inspect weapon – Caps Lock

    • Emote – H

    • Spray Tag – T

    • Next Item – Mouse scroll wheel down

    • Previous Item – Mouse scroll wheel up

    • Loadout slot 1 – 1

    • Loadout slot 2 – 2

    • Loadout slot 3 – 3

    • Loadout slot 4 – 4

    • Scoreboard – Tab

    • Push to Talk – O

    • Social – P

    • Change loadout – J

    • Insert coin to respawn – Space Bar

    • Pick up object – F

    • System menu – Escape

    • Communication Wheel – B

    • Ping (modifier +1) – NA

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Aditi Joshi is an English Literature student who indulges in the world of gaming when she's not working. She finds enjoyment in the immersive world of gaming.