How to make Super in Infinite Craft?

Daniel Royte
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>How to make Super in Infinite Craft?</p></div>
How to make Super in Infinite Craft?


What makes Infinite Craft so appealing is the exploration of new elements and combinations.
"Super" is one of the trickier words to generate. The word is most frequently used as an adjective, works incredibly well with other elements
Here are some entertaining combos to attempt and how you can make Super in Infinite Craft.

What makes Infinite Craft so appealing is the exploration of new elements and combinations. Players can mix and match any element they find in this sandbox game to find new ones. "Super" is one of the trickier words to generate. The word "super," which is most frequently used as an adjective, works incredibly well with other elements and can be combined in some amusing ways. Here are some entertaining combos to attempt and how you can make Super in Infinite Craft.

Making Super in Infinite Craft

To create the "Super" element, you'll need to follow a specific recipe. In Infinite Craft, combine "Tire" with "Ultra" to form "Super." The process of making “Super” has nine simple steps, making it a straightforward element to craft. Here's a breakdown of the steps:

  1. Water + Fire = Steam

  2. Water + Earth = Plant

  3. Fire + Steam = Engine

  4. Plant + Engine = Car

  5. Earth + Car = Tire

  6. Car + Tire = Race

  7. Earth + Race = Marathon

  8. Marathon + Marathon = Ultra

  9. Tire + Ultra = Super

Once you have the "Super" element, you can experiment with combining it with other elements to create new and amusing results.

How to make Super in Infinite Craft?

Fun Combinations with Super

You can combine "Super" with other elements in Infinite Craft for amusing outcomes. For example, combining "Super" with "Man" yields "Superman," while combining it with "Steam" results in "Superheated Steam." Here are some other entertaining combinations to try:

  • Super + Volcano = Supervolcano

  • Supervolcano + Supervolcano = Super Super Volcano

  • Fire + Super Super Volcano = Super Super Super Volcano

  • Super + Ultra = Mega

  • Super + Mega = Megasuper

  • Megasuper + Ultra = Megasuperultra

How to make Super in Infinite Craft?

Unlocking First Discoveries

Playing around with Super can produce amusing and unexpected results. Keep mixing it with other elements to see what you may find. Who knows, maybe while looking for new combinations you'll find a First Discovery. First Discoveries are elements that haven’t yet been discovered by anyone. So don't be afraid to experiment to get different outcomes.

There are countless chances for creativity and exploration with Infinite Craft. You never know when you might find some genuinely unusual ingredients by trying out new combinations; you might even make a First Discovery. 

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Daniel is an under-grad and has grown up with esports titles like Dota 2 cultivating a passion for esports. His current beats include in-depth coverage of Dota 2 and Mobile Legends.