Here’s How You Can Easily Make a Fully Functional Doorbell in Minecraft

Surya Kumar
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Here’s How You Can Easily Make a Fully Functional Doorbell in Minecraft</p></div>
Here’s How You Can Easily Make a Fully Functional Doorbell in Minecraft


Creating a working doorbell in Minecraft takes advantage of the game’s redstone system.
Gold blocks combined with note blocks accurately mimic the sound of a doorbell.
You can place a button right next to your door if you wish to create an automated entry system.

The immersive world of Minecraft has almost boundless potential to unleash your creativity. The game has numerous mechanics built into it and one such is its redstone system that allows you to add several functions to the structures you build. Placing redstone blocks next to compatible items allows you to control it. 

If you wish to get started on understanding how Redstone works in the game, you can do so by creating a simple doorbell for your house. It notifies you if your friends are visiting your world and also helps you familiarize yourself with the game’s mechanics. Without further ado, here’s how you can create a functioning doorbell in Minecraft.

Creating a Doorbell System in Minecraft

In order to create a working buzzer, there are a few prerequisites that you need to meet. These are:

  • One button of your preferred type

  • Two redstone repeaters

  • Four redstone dust

  • Two note blocks

  • Two blocks to place under your note blocks.

There are numerous sounds that you can use for your doorbell and these sounds are created by placing various blocks under your note block. Here are some you can use:

  • Wood: Bass

  • Packed Ice: Chimes

  • Wool: Guitar

  • Dirt: Piano

  • Hay Bale: Banjo

  • Emerald: 8-bit

  • Gold: Bell

Arguably the gold block fits the bill perfectly as it accurately mimics the sound of a buzzer.

Steps to Build a Working Doorbell in Minecraft

  • Place the button in the area next to your door. 

  • If you wish to open the doors automatically upon ringing the bell, you can also place it directly next to your door.

  •  Break the block underneath your button’s position and place one redstone dust.

  • Dig a 4x2 ditch right in front of the block where you kept your redstone dust

  • Place your first repeater directly in front of the aforementioned block. (no adjustment needed)

  • Make sure that the shorter end is placed in the opposite direction of the first redstone dust block

  • Place the second repeater one block forward and two blocks to the left of the first one. (or vice versa if your button is placed to the right of your door)

  • Connect the repeaters with 2 redstone dust and place the remaining one at the opposite end of the second repeater.

  • The second repeater should now face the door. Stand on it and break one block on either side of the door.

  • Place the gold blocks on both sides followed by the note blocks on top of it

  • Make sure that the note block on the left is four steps higher than the one on the right. This creates an accurate doorbell sound.

  • Set the second repeater at maximum delay to imitate the doorbell sound.

  • Cover up the entire system with blocks of your preference. Do not worry if you use dirt blocks for this as the grass will grow back shortly.

Following these steps properly must ensure that you have a fully functional doorbell system for your home. Check out our other guides if you need help with other such builds.

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Surya has been an avid gamer all his life with an emphasis on single-player titles since the PlayStation 2 era. After switching to PC, he has also dabbled in the world of Valorant ever since its beta. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.