Clash Royale Little Prince Champion: All You Need to Know

Aditi Joshi
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Clash Royale Little Prince Champion: Stats, Abilities &amp; How To Unlock</p></div>
Clash Royale Little Prince Champion: Stats, Abilities &amp; How To Unlock


A new champion is setting foot in the Clash Royale arena on 6th November 2023.
The champion is called Little Prince, a quick and dexterous character with unique crossbowing abilities.
Let us take a deep dive into who the character is, his abilities, stats and more.

Clash Royale is set to welcome a new Champion in the Arena, named the Little Prince. This skillful crossbowman is a quick and dexterous addition to the Clash Royale deck and will be available in November 2023. The anticipation is already bubbling as fans await the arrival of this card. This will give them a chance to refresh their card decks and create new combos with Little Prince’s abilities as well. 

Players are looking forward to playing with the Little Prince card and starting out with him will require you to understand its stats and abilities in advance. If you are feeling lost, don’t worry, because this article takes a deep dive into the Little Prince card, its stats and abilities, etc. 

Little Prince in Clash Royale: Abilities, Counters, How to Unlock & More

He is a 3-cost Elixir ranged troop armed with a unique repeating crossbow, allowing him to strike from a distance. His distinct fire rate is propelled to its maximum potential when the character remains stationary. His new abilities also make him a powerful addition, a much-needed refresher after the fifth character was introduced a long time ago. 

An exceptional ability that has got many fans talking about the Little Prince is its resilience against otherwise lethal fireballs. However, he is still quite vulnerable to other comparatively heavy spells like Poison. But his dynamic defense mechanic makes up for this. He attacks in projectiles instead of a simple beam as is seen with Inferno Dragon or Tower. Since his hit damage is highest when stationary, moving throughout the arena allows him to recharge. 

If you are playing against Little Prince, then having spells like Zap, Log, or Electro Wizard handy can help you overpower Little Prince. 

Clash Royale Little Prince: The Royal Rescue

This is a distinct and powerful ability that Little Prince can use to curb enemies while also protecting himself. Once you spend three elixirs to unlock this ability, the prince’s royal bodyguard, named Guardienne appears in the ongoing battle, instantly shielding you from any damage. This ally has a higher amount of damage inflicting rate as well, making her a suitable addition to the prince’s ability. 

Additionally, the prince’s own crossbow projectile beams carry an inflicting rate of 110 damage. Little Prince. Despite a slow start to the game, he is still a magnificent addition to the game,

Guardienne and Little Prince

Clash Royale Little Prince Stats

Part of understanding what Little Prince brings to the table requires a quantitative display of his abilities. Here is a statistical display of what Little Prince is all about:

  • HP: 700

  • Ranged Damage: 110

  • Hit Speed: 1.2 - 0.4 seconds

  • Speed: Medium

  • Range: 6

Here is another set of stats that compares the Little Prince with other Champions in the game:

  • Fireball Damage - 689 Hitpoints

  • Little Prince HP - 700 Hitpoints

  • Musketeer - HP - 720 Hitpoints

  • Poison Damage –  728 Hitpoints

How to Unlock Little Prince Card in Clash Royale

Unlock Little Prince for Free

To equip the Little Prince, simply launch the game and select the special icon in the game menu. However, only players with a level above 11 can unlock this Champion. This character will be available for a free claim during the November season. To add more excitement to the mix, the game is also offering a Little Prince and Guardienne Battle Banner. If you want to acquire it, you need to complete three tutorial battles. 

This will not only unlock the banner for you but also familiarize you with the upcoming character. 

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Aditi Joshi is an English Literature student who indulges in the world of gaming when she's not working. She finds enjoyment in the immersive world of gaming.