All Enemies in Helldivers 2: Terminids and Automatons

Daniel Royte
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>All Enemies in Helldivers 2: Terminids and Automatons</p></div>
All Enemies in Helldivers 2: Terminids and Automatons


Helldivers 2 is the latest co-op shooter that the gaming community is getting into. And it looks like a lot of fun!
And it looks like a lot of fun! And if there's one piece of advice every player needs to know, it's that knowing your enemy is key to victory in Helldivers 2.
Here's everything you need to know about the enemies of Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 is the latest co-op shooter that the gaming community is getting into. And it looks like a lot of fun! And if there's one piece of advice every player needs to know, it's that knowing your enemy is key to victory in Helldivers 2. As a Helldiver, your mission to protect Super Earth will pit you against a variety of enemies, from insect-like Terminids to robotic Automatons. Here's everything you need to know about the enemies of Helldivers 2.

All Enemy Types in Helldivers 2


The Terminids are insect-like creatures that swarm and overwhelm their enemies with sheer numbers. Here are the key types of Terminids you will face:

1. Scavenger: Small but numerous, they attract stronger enemies. Easily dispatched, especially with advanced weaponry.

2. Hunter: Agile and persistent, they can leap long distances to attack. Prioritize them in swarms due to their ability to quickly drain your health.

3. Stalker: Masters of camouflage, they reveal themselves through smoke or spores. Aim for their weak points with high-impact weapons.

All Enemies in Helldivers 2: Terminids and Automatons

4. Charger: Massive and heavily armored, they require precise tactics. Target their soft, orange undersides for maximum damage.

5. Bile Spewer: Spits toxic acid, slowing and damaging you. Keep your distance and use ranged attacks.

6. Bile Titan: A larger, more resilient version of the Spewer. Engage with heavy weaponry and watch out for its ability to summon more enemies.

7. Brood Commander: Tough and covered in a green toxin, they're a high-priority target. Use sustained fire to eliminate them quickly.

All Enemies in Helldivers 2: Terminids and Automatons


The Automatons are robotic enemies that are part of the other faction threatening Super Earth. Here are the key types of Automatons you will face:

1. Trooper, Raider, Marauder: These bipedal robots come armed with machine guns or rockets. Focus on taking them out as soon as they appear.

2. Commissar: No description provided, likely a high-ranking Automaton with specialized abilities.

3. Scout Strider: Similar to Troopers but with additional armor. Target their legs or pilot for maximum effectiveness.

4. Berserker: Armed with chainsaws, they're dangerous at close range. Attack their red center with fire-based weapons.

5. Devastator: Melee fighters with little armor, they're vulnerable to shotgun blasts. Use grenades against their shields.

6. Hulk, Heavy Devastator: Larger and more resistant versions of the Devastator. Require heavy firepower to defeat.

7. Tank, Annihilator Tank: Armored tanks with weak spots at their rear. Utilize explosives or orbital strikes for maximum effect.

8. Dropship: Aerial units that deploy more Automatons. Shoot them down quickly to reduce enemy reinforcements.

By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each enemy type, you'll be better equipped to tackle Helldivers 2. Work together with your team in your mission to save Super Earth.

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Daniel is an under-grad and has grown up with esports titles like Dota 2 cultivating a passion for esports. His current beats include in-depth coverage of Dota 2 and Mobile Legends.