Valorant Update 4.03


Valorant Patch 4.03 Notes: Brimstone Changes, Global Invalidation, and More

Abhimannu Das
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Valorant's Patch 4.03 update includes some important Brimstone changes and it also adds Global Invalidation for performance improvements.
The new Global Invalidation feature can offer up to 15% performance gains for players with medium-to-high spec systems.
The update also fixed the popular exploit where, using specific line-ups, it was possible to see inside Viper’s ultimate without being affected by the Nearsighted debuff.

Valorant Patch 4.03 is here and while it does not include the highly anticipated Yoru rework, Brimstone received some much-needed tweaks. Riot Games has also made significant changes to the spawn algorithm in Deathmatch to improve spawn logic and spawn placement. Prior to the Valorant Patch 4.03, players would spawn near the same location they would die in, which led to a frustrating experience. With Valorant Patch 4.03 the changes in tow, dying will make you spawn somewhere safe without being put at risk of being spawn camped.

Valorant Patch 4.03: Brimstone Changes

Brimstone is the only agent to receive any tweaks with the new update. Here are all the changes to the agent in the new patch:

  • Brimstone's ultimate now properly blocks gameplay visibility while active

  • You'll no longer see enemies on the minimap through the ultimate.

  • Abilities that require line of sight (flashes, Sova recon pulses) will no longer apply through the ultimate

Valorant 4.03 Patch Notes: Deathmatch and Other Changes

The respawn timer in Deathmatch is now just 1.5 seconds, down from 3 seconds. Riot Games also removed some spawn locations which could lead to players getting spawn camped without getting a chance to react. The update also improved spawn logic and spawn placement to increase the likelihood that you will be facing other players in an encounter.

Global Invalidation is a UI feature that improves performance for all UI in the game. It accomplishes this by significantly reducing the number of UI elements that need to update every frame.

The new feature is expected to provide up to a 15% improvement in performance for CPU-bound players. Riot Games defines CPU bound players as those who have access to mid-to-high spec machines. While Riot expect most players to experience a noticeable improvement, your system performance may vary.

There were also a few bug fixes that was shipped alongside the Valorant Patch 4.03 update.

  • Fixed a bug where Chamber’s Headhunter and Tour de Force could float away

  • Fixed an exploit where, using specific line-ups, it was possible to see inside Viper’s ultimate without being affected by the Nearsighted debuff

  • Fixed a bug where Viper’s ultimate would sometimes fail to expand through doorways

There are other minor bug fixes for the social features and esports camera as well.

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Abhimannu is a PC esports writer at AFK Gaming. With over seven years of experience in esports journalism, he has worked on a myriad of games and their ecosystems including Valorant, Overwatch and Apex Legends.

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