Escape From Tarkov Offline Mode: How to Play Solo

Abhimannu Das
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Escape From Tarkov Offline Mode: How to Play Solo


  • Escape From Tarkov's offline mode is a great way to test weapons and gear without any risk of losing your items.
  • Offline mode is available for raids but you will not earn any gear or progression when playing against AI enemies.
  • The game also offers 'Tagged and Cursed' and 'Scar Wars' modes to make the PVE encounters more interesting.

Escape From Tarkov’s offline mode is a great way to stay away from the PVP as a new player. If you feel overwhelmed and run into experienced players who constantly kill you, playing offline can help you get accustomed to the game’s mechanics before you are ready to take on veterans. Escape From Tarkov’s offline mode is available as a means of playing against bots only and if you die, you do not lose your gear. The downside to playing Escape From Tarkov’s offline mode is that you will not get any experience or loot, so you should play it only to get accustomed to the game’s mechanics. 

How to Activate Escape From Tarkov’s Offline Mode 

Escape From Tarkov Offline Mode: How to Play Solo
  1. Start the Game 
  2. Click on Escape From Tarkov in the Main Menu 
  3. Select Any PMC character you want to play 
  4. In the Map Menu, click on any location you want to visit and click Next 
  5. In the next menu click on “Prepare to Escape” and choose the Enable Offline Mode for this raid option 
  6. Click on enable PVE 
  7. Click on Ready

Setting up your game this way will only spawn PVE enemies in your lobby and you will not have to worry about other players loading in and killing you. 

Escape From Tarkov Offline Mode Settings Guide 

According to Battlestate Games, the Escape From Tarkov offline mode exists to help players test the game during the closed beta. You can enter raids with or without scavs but you will not receive any loot or progression. 

You can make use of the offline mode to explore and test weapons. It is also a great way to spend time if the game’s servers are unavailable. The developers plan on adding a variety of activities that can be played offline. 

Escape From Tarkov’s offline mode also lets you spawn in random weather and at random times if you wish to enable the features. Some of the other settings you can change include 

  • AI difficulty 
  • AI amount 
  • Bosses
  • Tagged and Cursed gameplay 
  • Scav Wars

The tagged and cursed option is best left unchecked unless you are looking for a hardcore challenge. As soon as you tag an AI enemy, other enemies in the vicinity will rush at you making fights extremely difficult. Scav wars enable AI vs AI fights. You will load into the game with gear you have but you will not lose any gear in case you die in offline mode. You will also not be able to earn any gear in Escape From Tarkov’s offline mode. 

RELATED:  How to Download and Play Escape From Tarkov Beta

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Abhimannu is a PC esports writer at AFK Gaming. With over seven years of experience in esports journalism, he has worked on a myriad of games and their ecosystems including Valorant, Overwatch and Apex Legends.