Best Legend in Apex Legends in 2022


Who is The Best Legend in Apex Legends in 2022?

Abhimannu Das
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Horizon is currently the best legend in Apex Legends in Season 13.
Horizon’s ability to take advantage of tap strafing and edge boosting using her passive, makes her one of the best movement characters in the game.
Despite her extremely high pick rate and winrate in Master and Predator ranks, she is not as popular in Diamond and below.

Apex Legends’ meta has heavily shifted over the recent weeks with players slowly realizing the power Seer brings to the table and how Bangalore can be a better option than Gibraltar in the current ranked split on Storm Point. But the biggest shocker in the meta is Horizon creeping up in winrate and overtaking the meta queen Valkyrie. Horizon is the best legend in Apex Legends Season 13 at the highest tiers of play and she can be a great pub stomping legend as well thanks to her incredible movement and teamfight-winning ultimate.

Why is Horizon the best legend in Apex Legends Season 13?

Horizon, or “space mom” as the community likes to lovingly call her, launched in Season 7 and players immediately called for nerfs because of how oppressive her kit was. She was arguably the strongest character Apex Legends has ever seen at release, and Respawn had to dial things down. Her winrate and pickrate oth declined but she has seen a rise in popularity at the highest tiers of play over the recent weeks. The Gaming Merchant does a very good job of explaining why Horizon continues to be such a powerhouse character despite receiving several nerfs to her kit.

Horizon’s biggest strength is her passive and players who have managed to push the game’s engine beyond its limits through movement tech like tap strafing and edge boosting, are able to achieve unthinkable speeds using the legend. She closes distances between herself and her enemies with incredible speeds and if you have mastered movement techniques in Apex Legends, you will be able to separate your opponents and pick them off one at a time.

Even if you are not familiar with advanced movement techniques, you can use her tactical and ultimate and help your team win fights in any situation. Being able to get on the high ground or put yourself out of danger is an invaluable tool. Her ultimate can pull enemies in and line them up for some nasty grenade spam which can immediately win you fights.

Horizon is in a very tricky spot right now as only the best players can really push her kit to the limits. And nerfing her further might make her useless for beginners and players at lower ranks. Only time will tell if Respawn will choose to address the legend’s soaring popularity over the recent weeks.

What other legends are great in the meta?

Here are some of the other legends that have been doing very well in the current meta:


Recent changes to his kit have brought down Gibraltar’s power, but only a little. A slow charging ultimate that can completely shut down the final zone, and a very useful bubble that can keep you safe as you revive teammates faster are great to have. If you can play around his bubble and duel with his arm-shields, you will master the true art of being an ‘unkillable Gibby’.


Bloodhound’s passive ability that allows them to track recent activity around the map and get access to wallhacks on a cooldown is incredible. They are among the best Legends in the game and Beast of The Hunt is just a cherry on top of an already versatile kit. All kills and assists during their ult allow you to extend your ultimate duration and get an incredible speed boost and wallhacks.


Valkyrie quite literally rules the skies like her voice lines suggest as she can help teams rotate with her flight suit in no time. She can also track enemies while she is in the air and let you know if there are nearby hostilities. She has been meta for several seasons and is unlikely to be displaced anytime soon.


Despite major nerfs to her kit and changes to her animations, Wraith’s pickrate refuses to go down no matter how hard Respawn tries to bring down her viability. She is the poster child of Apex and continues to be one of the most important Legends in the game as she allows you to disengage with her Into The Void and safely rotate with her portals. Good Wraith players can pull off incredible plays in the final zone and win games on their own.

While Horizon is currently the best legend in Apex Legends, it does not mean that other characters are not. Strong legends like Wraith, Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Seer and Caustic are still extremely powerful and can create game-winning plays.

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Abhimannu is a PC esports writer at AFK Gaming. With over seven years of experience in esports journalism, he has worked on a myriad of games and their ecosystems including Valorant, Overwatch and Apex Legends.

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