Call of Duty: Warzone


What Is the Token Bank in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0?

Abhimannu Das
Updated On: 
The Token Bank in Modern Warfare 2 stores all your battle pass tokens and allows you to use them later.
You can use the tokens to unlock battle pass rewards from 20 different reward tiers.
Players need to unlock rewards from each tier in order to progress to the next tier.

The battle pass system that was present in Warzone and other Call of Duty titles has been scrapped in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0. A brand new system with a “Token Bank” has been introduced that changes how battle passes work. Previously, players could make their way from level one to 100. Instead, the pass has now been broken into 20 different sections with five parts in each of them. Players will need to unlock all 20 sections to complete a battle pass. You use tokens to unlock all content in these sections before moving on to the next. 

How the Token Bank works in Modern Warfare 2

As you keep playing, you will earn Battle Pass Tokens. You can collect these tokens and spend them in the 20 sections in each pass. In the old system, you would get your first reward, and then your second reward, and so on. In the new system, you get to choose which rewards you get first. There are five items in each group and you can unlock them in any order before moving on to the next group.

Once a Battle Pass expires, you will no longer be able to spend tokens and the Token Bank. So any tokens you earn in Season One will expire and you will need to earn new tokens in Season Two. Once all rewards are collected, you will no longer be able to earn new tokens.

The number of rewards in the new pass system is not different from the 100-tier battle passes. It simply changes the order in which you earn rewards and it is a good quality-of-life change and gives players more freedom when it comes to choosing items that they want. 

You will not miss out on any rewards by picking some items before others. All rewards shown in the battle pass can be earned as long as you earn enough Tokens for the Token Bank in Modern Warfare 2 during a season. But many players are unhappy with the new system as it makes the system a lot more complicated compared to the linear progression in previous Call of Duty games.

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Abhimannu is a PC esports writer at AFK Gaming. With over seven years of experience in esports journalism, he has worked on a myriad of games and their ecosystems including Valorant, Overwatch and Apex Legends.

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