Apex Legends Season 12 Tier List


Season 12 Character Tier List for Apex Legends

Abhimannu Das
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Apex Legends Season 12's character tier list is largely unchanged with Revenant potentially set to become meta in Split Two.
Octane has lost his popularity and is a worse option than Valkyrie in the current Olympus Split.
Gibraltar and Bloodhound continue to dominate with the ranked and competitive meta due to the high utility they offer.

The diverse group of legends defines Apex Legends’ gameplay. Each legend has a unique kit to work with and while some have access to high mobility, others offer recon abilities or other utilities. You don’t need to pick a specific legend to win in Apex Legends, but there is no denying that abilities do have an impact and if you want to climb up the ranks, you should pick legends that can offer utility to the team while also being capable of winning duels with their kits. Here are the best Apex Legends characters of Season 12.

Apex Legends Season 12 Character Tier List


S-Tier characters are among the best and they can offer utility during fights on their own.

Apex Legends - Gibraltar, Bloodhound, Valkyrie


Recent changes to his kit have brought down Gibraltar’s power, but only a little. A slow charging ultimate that can completely shut down the final zone, and a very useful bubble that can keep you safe as you revive teammates faster are great to have. If you can play around his bubble and duel with his arm-shields, you will master the true art of being an ‘unkillable Gibby’.


Bloodhound’s passive ability that allows them to track recent activity around the map and get access to wallhacks on a cooldown is incredible. They are among the best Legends in the game and Beast of The Hunt is just a cherry on top of an already versatile kit. All kills and assists during their ult allow you to extend your ultimate duration and get an incredible speed boost and wallhacks.


Valkyrie quite literally rules the skies like her voice lines suggest as she can help teams rotate with her flight suit in no time. She can also track enemies while she is in the air and let you know if there are nearby hostiles. She has been meta for several seasons and is unlikely to be displaced anytime soon.


A-tier legends are solid picks and can offer tremendous value to any team. But they fall short when compared to legends in the S-tier who can carry fights or games with the utility they offer.

Apex Legends - Wraith, Horizon, Octane


Despite major nerfs to her kit and changes to her animations, Wraith’s pickrate refuses to go down no matter how hard Respawn tries to bring down her viability. She is the poster child of Apex and continues to be one of the most important Legends in the game as she allows you to disengage with her Into The Void and safely rotate with her portals. Good Wraith players can pull off incredible plays in the final zone and win games on their own.


Horizon continues to be one of the best legends in the game when fully mastered. Since her release, she has received a few tweaks to her kit but she continues to be a solid pick. Her ability to take high ground or group enemies up with her ultimate makes her very useful in teamfights.


Octane mains are looked down by the community because of their overly aggressive playstyle and many tend to hit the ‘Leave Game’ button just as fast as Octane sprints. His jump pads take just a minute to refresh and his health regen is fast enough to quickly recover from fights. His speed and great strafing/crouching animations make him a solid pick in any rank at the moment and he is arguably a better pick than Pathfinder in many situations.


B-Tier Legends are not bad picks in a vacuum but they have certain elements in their kit that are just not good enough. But they are still worth running in a lot of situations if you have the right team composition.

Apex Legends - Seer


He was one of the most broken characters at launch with the ability to permanently know if there are enemies nearby. But respawn may have gone overboard with the nerfs with the legend making him lose his place in the meta quite quickly. He is not worth picking over Bloodhound, but it does not make him a bad pick by any means. He performs his role fairly well and can give you information about enemy whereabouts when rotating.


Pathfinder is just a worse Octane currently except in fringe situations. We still do not know why Respawn added Low Profile to his hitbox, which makes him way too easy to kill at times owing to his large hitbox. Overall, he is a decent pick but not the king of the Apex Legends Character Tier List like he used to be in the early seasons.


Lifeline has been a solid pick in every Apex Legends Character Tier List and it does not change. While her tactical and ultimate do not offer any benefits during fights, her passive ability to revive while fighting is incredibly potent and can help during combat. She is a solid pick but she is not as good as she used to be with her fast healing capabilities taken out.


Do you like bamboozling your enemies? We do too. He is one of the most fun legends to pick and his ability to go invisible when reviving are great but he is more of a cleanup hero that can pick off low enemies instead of offering great value during duels. He does not offer any value to the team which makes it hard to recommend playing him over other legends.


While he was one of the most picked Legends during the Kings Canyon split in recent seasons, he is not as good in Olympus’ ranked split because of the lack of closed-quarters combat in most areas. His ultimate is great but his Q and passive leave a lot to be desired. With King’s Canyon returning later in Season 12, he might become one of the more dominant legends once again.


Caustic was one of the deadliest agents in every Apex Legends Character Tier in recent times but with the return of Olympus as the ranked map, his utility has dropped down. However, if you have a high mobility team comp to rotate around zones, he is freakishly good when holding buildings and in the final zone.


Wattson is a weird one because she has always been great in pro play during the early days but was quickly outshined by Caustic in recent metas. Good Wattson players can offer tremendous value to their teams but you have to adhere to a certain playstyle to make use of her kit. If you like holding buildings and setting up defences, she is still a decent option.


She is great for disengaging and her smokes can keep you protected. Digital Threat pickups can greatly help you fight in your smokes but there are Legends that do everything better than her with far less risk involved.


While some of the Legends in this category offer some value, they are easily outshined by other Legends from the previous tiers. Some of these legends require you to be immobile while others simply do not have good enough abilities to warrant running them.

Apex Legends - Loba


One of the worst characters in the game right now with an underwhelming ultimate and a boring Q. His ability to equip more grenades is fun but we can’t recommend the Legend in good conscience as a Legend to pick if you want to climb ranked in his current state.


She can be an asset to the team in the early game but her Q ability continues to be buggy, which keeps her in C-Tier. She needs some quality-of-life changes which will push her into the B or A tier. During the early game you can gear up and take fights very quickly but she offers 0 utility during fights which is something most of the Legends in higher tiers are capable of.


Quite possibly the worst character in the game right now. While a well-placed SHEILA can be deadly, the need to be stationary in a high-octane game like Apex Legends is what keeps her from being useful as players can easily outmaneuver you and take you down.


Crypto can offer great utility but the only thing holding him back is that players need to give up control over crypto to control his drone. If there was a way to perform basic tasks with the drone without being stationary, it would push Crypto a lot higher up in the Apex Legends character tier list for season 12.

Mad Maggie has not been assigned a tier as she is a completely new legend and there is no data to back up her power levels and position in the current meta.

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Abhimannu is a PC esports writer at AFK Gaming. With over seven years of experience in esports journalism, he has worked on a myriad of games and their ecosystems including Valorant, Overwatch and Apex Legends.

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