Is New Valorant Agent Clove Non-Binary? Gender and Identity

Aditi Joshi
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Is New Valorant Agent Clove Non-Binary? Gender&nbsp;and&nbsp;Identity</p></div>
Is New Valorant Agent Clove Non-Binary? Gender&nbsp;and&nbsp;Identity


Clove is the new agent who is going to be part of the Valorant roster. It is the sixth controller agent joining the game.
Clove is a non-binary agent who goes by they/them pronouns and hails from Edinburgh in Scotland.
In this article, we'll take a closer look at who Clove is.

A new agent is coming to Valorant, and it is truly a fresh addition to the game's roster. With purple hues and violet aesthetic, this agent brings a unique ability to the game: defying death. Yes! With its ultimate, called Not Dead Yet, players can use Clove to activate their immortality essence.

However, this is not the only thing that makes Clove stand out. They are also the first Valorant agent from Scotland—Edinburgh, to be precise. The teasers featuring Clove showcase popular spots in Scotland where they are seen activating their ultimate and entering the game of Valorant.

Clove in Scotland

Clove is also the first non-binary character that has been added in Valorant. They go by they/them pronouns. All Valorant agents come from different backgrounds and cultures, and this is another example of such diversity exemplified in this character.

Let's take a closer look at who Clove is.

Is New Valorant Agent Clove Non-Binary? Gender and Identity

Clove is Valorant's first non-binary agent. They go by they/them/their pronouns and belong to Edinburgh, Scotland. Clove's gender identity was officially confirmed by Riot Games in this blog.

Talking about their identity, the blog wrote, "For Clove, their Scottish culture and non-binary identity were big aspects of this. These take time and nuance to deeply understand so they manifest in authentic ways.

This representation of diversity in terms of sexual orientation does not come as surprise to many. Previously, Riot Games has hinted at a same-sex relationship between two other Valorant agents, showcasing their support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Killjoy and Raze are the two agents that Riot Games has hinted through its teasers and trailers to be more than just friends. So, having another agent who defies conventional norms, just by virtue of their existence, is a testimony to Riot Games' support for the community.

Having a non-binary character also means representing a number of Valorant players who are non-binary too. Just like other agents hailing from different places and having their own identity that relates to different players, Clove is another one of them.

Clove's Gameplay

Clove is a controller agent who has been in talks for not just their identity but also their game changing ability. This includes their ability to employ smokes even after they have died.

The following are all the abilities that Clove has, as shared by Riot Games:

  • Ruse (E): Clove’s mind projects a view of the battlefield from above. Using their essence, they manifest vision-obscuring clouds that change the flow of battle, even in death.

  • Meddle (Q): Clove focuses a fragment of immortality essence that, once thrown, deteriorates the life essence of those hit by the blast.

  • Pick-Me-Up (C): Clove absorbs the life energy of a fallen enemy, granting them a moment of increased agility and health.

  • Not Dead Yet (X): Not Dead Yet (X): Clove defies death by activating their immortality essence. To stabilize their form, they must remove the life energy of an opponent.

Clove's design is loved by the Valorant community and their set of skills are also quite unique allowing them to support the team even after dying in the game. The ultimate can be quite lethal in clutch situations and even the feature that allows the hero to deploy smokes despite not being in the server.

As more players tryout this aggressive controller agent it will come to light what changes are required in order to balance the hero, either buffs or nerfs.

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Aditi Joshi is an English Literature student who indulges in the world of gaming when she's not working. She finds enjoyment in the immersive world of gaming.