Here’s How You Can Complete All Fire Chakra Quests in Fortnite x Avatar: The Last Airbender Crossover

Dhruv Bhatnagar
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Here’s How You Can Complete All Fire Chakra Quests in Fortnite x Avatar: The Last Airbender Crossover</p></div>
Here’s How You Can Complete All Fire Chakra Quests in Fortnite x Avatar: The Last Airbender Crossover


The Avatar Elements quests are divided into six Chakras, released sequentially. Completing these will allow players to get exclusive rewards
Are you wondering how to complete Fire Chakra Quests in Fortnite? Here's a guide to help you complete these quests

Fortnite’s latest collaboration with Avatar: The Last Airbender brings players tons of exciting cosmetics, rewards, challenges, abilities, and more! The crossover also features an Elements mini-pass that has two reward tracks. The first one is completely free, and the second one, called “Premium Rewards,” can be unlocked by upgrading your pass to 1,000 V-Bucks. To claim all the rewards from the premium track, you must complete various quests based on different Chakras. With Water and Earth Chakras already available, the Fire Chakra has also finally been unlocked. In this guide, we’ll reveal how you can complete all Fire Chakra quests in Fortnite. 

How Can You Complete Fire Chakra Quests in Fortnite?

Fortnite x Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover brings the Elements event, which has tons of rewards to unlock. However, to claim these, you must complete various tasks, including Fire Chakra quests. The Fire Chakra questline features six missions, and here’s how you can complete each of them - 

1. Destroy objects or structures at an Elemental Shrine - 350 Chi

You can destroy structures or objects at any Element Shrine for this quest. As each Elemental Shine has some Mythic Bending you can obtain, you can use the item you locate there to help you finish this quest much quicker. Here's a map for all the Elemental Shrine locations in the game -

Here’s How You Can Complete All Fire Chakra Quests in Fortnite x Avatar: The Last Airbender Crossover

2. Light a campfire - 350 Chi

To complete the first quest, you must light a campfire. You can do this by finding one and interacting with it. You don’t need anything to start it. Once the fire starts, it will go on for a bit before burning out. The easiest Campfire to access can be found in the east of Restore Reels.

3. Eliminate an opponent in different matches - 350 Chi

You must eliminate a single opponent in five matches for this quest. Although it's a simple quest, it might take some time to complete since only one enemy per match will count towards this quest.

Here’s How You Can Complete All Fire Chakra Quests in Fortnite x Avatar: The Last Airbender Crossover

4. Travel distance on the Train - 350 Chi

You can complete this quest by traveling distance on a train. Just locate one and hop on it. The train on the map is always moving, but it only has a few stops. Look for the Train icon on the map. 

5. Destroy a cabbage cart with Firebending - 350 Chi

For this quest, all you need to do is destroy a cabbage cart with Mythic Firebending. You can always get Mythic Firebending from the Elemental Shrines linked with this element and collect Cabbage from the Cabbage Carts on the map.

6. Deal damage to opponents with Firebending - 350 Chi

In the last challenge of this questline, you have to deal 100 damage to your opponents with Firebending. Since using this Mythic is quite challenging, you should call an Olympian boss. Each Henchman and the boss himself will count as opponents and help you easily finish this quest.

That’s everything you need to know to complete the Fire Chakra quests in Fortnite. For more guides, check out how you can get Appa Glider in Fortnite.

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