Yuma Might Be Nigma Galaxy’s New Carry

Dhruv Saikia
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>D1 Hustlers Yuma and Nigma Galaxy Logo</p></div>
D1 Hustlers Yuma and Nigma Galaxy Logo
Nigma Galaxy recently parted ways with two of its players, Sumail "SumaiL" Hassan and Ammar "ATF" Al-Assaf, leaving the future of the team to be uncertain.
D1 Hustlers (formerly known as D2 Hustlers) had announced the release of its carry player, Yuma "Yuma" Langlet.
According to a post on Telegram by Egor "Xakoda" Lipartiya, the position 5 player for D1 Hustlers, Yuma may be joining Nigma Galaxy.

Nigma Galaxy has had a disappointing competitive Dota 2 season, being relegated to Division II at the end of Tour 2 and having a poor run at Dreamleague Season 19 with Amer "Miracle-" Al-Barkawi. The team was invited as a last-minute replacement for PSG.LGD, who suffered visa issues. In more recent news, both Sumail "SumaiL" Hassan and Ammar "ATF" Al-Assaf have left Nigma Galaxy and joined Team Aster and Quest Esports respectively, which has left the future of the team to be quite uncertain. On the other hand, D1 Hustlers (formerly known as D2 Hustlers) had an impressive run in the Dota Pro Circuit (DPC) Western Europe (WEU) 2023 Tour 2 Division II, finishing in the top 2 and being promoted to Division I.

However, the team recently announced via Twitter that it had parted ways with its carry player, Yuma "Yuma" Langlet. While it was uncertain where Yuma would go, Egor "Xakoda" Lipartiya, the team's position 5 player, revealed where the player may be heading next.

Yuma may join Nigma Galaxy as carry

Yuma’s potential new team was revealed in a Telegram message by Xakoda, where the player mentions that he was ‘called’ by Nigma Galaxy and he decided that it would be better for him. With this new information, Yuma may potentially join Nigma Galaxy in the near future, where he will join forces with three other players, Kuro "KuroKy" Takhasomi, Ivan "MinD_ContRoL" Ivanov, and Maroun "GH" Merhej, at Nigma Galaxy. The team has yet to officially announce this change as well as reveal a replacement for its last player, who will presumably play position 2. Some fans have speculated that Miracle- may return to the team, but no official announcements have been made as of now. Nigma Galaxy will resume playing in Division II of the next DPC Tour.

Hey guys, just a quick update on our team's situation. Yuma has been invited to join Nigma Galaxy, and since the organization gave us a long answer about bootcamp and conditions he decided that it would be better for him. No offence, I wish him luck. I'm sure Yuma will be able to play on the Tier 1 scene in the future, and we will meet again as teammates. Regarding the organization - we'll know tonight and I will let you know if everything is is okay or not. Take care.
Egor "Xakoda" Lipartiya Telegram Message translated by DeepL

Gorgc Reacts to Yuma potentially joining Nigma Galaxy

Popular Dota 2 streamer Gorgc shared his thoughts on Yuma's departure from D1 Hustlers and his potential new role as a carry player for Nigma Galaxy. “Wow, that is kind of crazy. First of all the Yuma guy is playing Div I right? And also it means that Miracle- isnt coming back. I dont know why people thought he was coming back, they clearly said that he was just taking a small break from his break. So these guys (D1 Hustlers) are Div I and they lost their carry now, that's gonna suck for D1 Hustlers, lets see how they do. And he went to a Div II Nigma, I mean I guess the salary is too fu*king good right? Cant say no to that,” Gorgc said.

He goes on to talk more about the future of the team and who might be joining as the last player. “So they got Yuma here, and who’s mid? Maybe Mikey? Depends on who they can get. I mean it’s at least a guarantee to go back up to Div I again. But yeah, I dont really know why people thought Miracle- was coming back but yeah now there’s always gonna be a new guy to blame, it's Yuma blaming time,” Gorgc added.

Yuma potentially moving to Nigma Galaxy would be a significant change for both teams, with D1 Hustlers losing a key player and Nigma Galaxy gaining a talented carry. It remains to be seen whether this roster change is official and how it could potentially impact both teams' performance in the upcoming season of the DPC. If Nigma Galaxy does acquire Yuma, the team may finally be able to bounce back from its recent struggles, while D1 Hustlers would be required to find a replacement to maintain its momentum in Division I.

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Since 2012, Dhruv has developed a deep passion for Dota 2, which has only grown stronger over time. With three years of experience as a competitive player and a background in writing, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to create content around the game and its esports scene.