PSG.LGD’s Offlaner Talks About Learning From Players in Other Regions

Ammar Aryani
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>PSG.LGD’s Offlaner Talks About Learning From Players in Other Regions</p></div>
PSG.LGD’s Offlaner Talks About Learning From Players in Other Regions


PSG.LGD’s newest offlaner Li "项羽" Longwu expressed his thoughts on his new team in a post-match interview.
He said that he is still getting used to his new team as the team just started bootcamping.
He also noted that he has been trying to improve his play style by watching the DPC in other regions.

Following the team’s victory in Division I of the China Dota Pro Circuit 2023 (DPC 2023): Winter Tour against EHOME, PSG.LGD’s newest offlaner Li "项羽" Longwu was taken aside for a winner’s post-match interview.

In the interview, the offlaner talked about his initial thoughts on his new team after having bootcamp with them for almost two weeks. Additionally, he also talked about his method of improving his skills as an offlaner by watching other players in different regions.

项羽 noted that he has been watching offlaners from different regions 

During the winner’s post match interview, PSG.LGD’s newest offlaner Li "项羽" Longwu opened up by talking about his move to his new team. However, he noted that there was nothing much to do in terms of team bonding sessions as the team had only started to bootcamping together. Additionally, he also revealed his own schedule as a player for PSG.LGD.

“For us, as a new team we had only started to bootcamp together and to be honest there is not much for us to do at the moment other than the games that we played together. Personally for me, I just wake up, go to scrims, solo queue for a couple of hours and then go to bed. So nothing much outside of the game.”

The offlaner was then asked by panel host Natalie "NatTea" Mahoney if he had watched any other regions during the DPC season. 项羽 responded by saying that he has watching a lot of games from Southeast Asia (SEA) and Western Europe (WEU) at the moment as he wanted to learn more about the playstyle and improve himself as a player. 

“Yes, I have been watching the games in other regions especially SEA and WEU. However, I have also been watching only a couple of games from Eastern Europe, North & South America. As for me, I tend to watch the other offlaners within each region as they have more experience than me and I try to learn a thing or two from them as it helps me to improve.” 

PSG.LGD are currently top of the league with three wins and a single loss towards the controversial team of Knights, with the latter currently under investigation for allegedly using vision hacks during its matches in the China DPC.

However, despite the loss PSG.LGD are currently on course of qualifying for the upcoming Lima Major. PSG.LGD’s next opponents before the Chinese New Year break will be Invictus Gaming on 15th January.

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Ammar has been actively engaged in the esports industry in Malaysia in multiple roles in the past. Now, he utilizes his esports expertise to create insightful and meaningful content as the de facto Dota 2 writer at AFK Gaming.