Gorgc's Team Bald Reborn Surprises Fans By Withdrawing from DPC Qualifiers - Here's Why

Dhruv Saikia
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Gorgc</p></div>


Popular Dota 2 Streamer Janne "Gorgc" Stefanovski surprised fans in his recent livestream when he stated that Team Bald Reborn will not be competing in the DPC WEU Summer Tour Closed Qualifiers.
The streamer stated that there were scheduling issues that prevented the team from playing the closed qualifiers.
Gorgc also mentions that he has lesser time for the qualifiers as well after signing with OG as a streamer and content creator.

Popular Dota 2 streamer Janne "Gorgc" Stefanovskiand recently announced that he and his team, Team Bald Reborn, will not be competing in the Dota Pro Circuit (DPC) Western Europe (WEU) Summer Tour Closed Qualifiers due to scheduling conflicts. Gorgc revealed in a recent stream that one player has a wedding to attend, another has exams, and he himself has commitments to OG as well as his role as a streamer and content creator. This unfortunate situation leaves the team unable to participate in the qualifiers and raises questions about their chances of playing even if they were to qualify.

Scheduling Constraints Pose Challenges for Team Bald Reborn's Qualification Efforts

Team Bald Reborn will seemingly be absent from the upcoming DPC WEU Summer Tour Closed Qualifiers mainly due to scheduling issues faced by the players. Gorgc explained during his recent stream that one of the players has a wedding to attend, making it impossible for him to compete. Additionally, another player is occupied with exams, further restricting the team's availability. Gorgc himself highlighted his involvement with OG, both as a content creator and a streamer, which demands his time and attention. These overlapping commitments and limited availability make it difficult for Team Bald Reborn to actively participate in the qualifiers.

“When is Team Baldo playing? Team Bald (referring to Team Bald Reborn) cant play guys, we had some scheduling issues sadly. We were gonna play qualifiers but one guy has to go to a wedding, one of us has exams as well and I also can't because I have to also do some things for OG as well, so I won't even have time to play Div II as much as I thought I would so better not to start playing the qualifiers. Because if I play the qualifiers and even if I qualify I can't play after so it’s just a bit much to do, I can't do everything. But it's okay, now we have full time to watch games and all that,” Gorgc said.

Although Team Bald Reborn's lineup has undergone recent changes, with the return of Steve "Xcalibur" Ye, the addition of Moiez "symetricaL" Lin, and the newcomer Alireza "Crash" M these developments now seem overshadowed by the team's inability to compete in the closed qualifiers. Fans and supporters of the team will have to wait for future updates to see how Team Bald Reborn navigates these challenges and adapts its approach in the Dota 2 competitive scene.

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Since 2012, Dhruv has developed a deep passion for Dota 2, which has only grown stronger over time. With three years of experience as a competitive player and a background in writing, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to create content around the game and its esports scene.