Arteezy's Vibrant Hair Transformation: A Sign of Frustration or Reinvention?

Dhruv Saikia
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Arteezy from Shopify Rebellion</p></div>
Arteezy from Shopify Rebellion


Artour "Arteezy" Babaev recently started streaming for his large fanbase after a very long hiatus where fans would often wonder if he would ever come back to streaming.
There have been many memorable moments from his streams so far, including infamous ‘cliffteezy’ moments, clutch plays, and raging moments, among others.
In a recent livestream, the player revealed the reason behind his bold new hair color, stating that it was due to his team’s recent losses.

After a prolonged absence from streaming, Dota 2 superstar Artour "Arteezy" Babaev recently made a highly-anticipated return, sending waves of excitement throughout the Dota 2 community. As fans flocked to witness the skilled player in action once again, there was one thing that was different for the player. Since his return, Arteezy has already treated his audience to numerous memorable moments. However, it was during his recent live streams that he surprised everyone with a vibrant hair transformation, prompting curiosity and speculation among his dedicated followers. Arteezy was seen brandishing greyish color hair which was very different from his usual black-brown coloured hair.

Shopify’s loss at the Berlin Major prompts Arteezy’s decision

During his recent livestream, Arteezy shared an intriguing revelation behind his striking hair color change. The renowned Dota 2 player hinted that his decision to dye his hair was driven by a mixture of anger and frustration resulting from recent defeats suffered by his team, Shopify Rebellion. It's highly likely that Arteezy was referring to their disappointing loss against Evil Geniuses in the lower bracket of The Berlin Major 2023, which led to an early exit from the tournament.

“What made you dye your hair? I dont know. I was malding (angry or frustrated) after we lost so I dyed my hair. It's a true story,” Arteezy said.

Hairstyle Transformations in Dota 2: From Bald Domination to Arteezy's Unsuccessful Emulation

The Dota 2 scene has witnessed its fair share of players making bold hairstyle choices, and the impact of these transformations has not gone unnoticed. One notable example is Illya "Yatoro" Mulyarchuk’s iconic bald hairstyle at The International 10, which seemed to symbolize Team Spirit's unstoppable march to victory. The unorthodox look became a talking point among fans and served as a visual representation of Yatoro's determination and commitment to the game

Inspired by Yatoro's triumph, Arteezy, known for his adaptability and desire for success, decided to embark on his own hair transformation journey at The International 11. However, unlike Yatoro's storybook ending, Arteezy's haircut failed to bring him the desired outcome. Despite his attempt to emulate the bald hairstyle, Arteezy, and his team fell short of claiming the championship.

Arteezy at TI11 and Yatoro at TI10

Arteezy's Ever-Evolving Hairstyle: From the Greyish Silver Cut to a Bold Pink

Arteezy once again surprised his fans with yet another change to his hairstyle. In a recent tweet, he revealed that he has dyed his hair pink, attributing the transformation to Zhang "Dove" Tiange pink shampoo. This latest shift in style not only highlights Arteezy's penchant for experimentation but also reflects his personal connections, as Dove is not only his girlfriend but also a prominent figure in the Chinese Dota 2 scene. With this bold new look, Arteezy continues to captivate his audience and showcase his fearless approach to both gaming and personal expression.

After a long-awaited return to streaming, Arteezy surprised his fans with his new greyish hair color, which he revealed was a result of frustration and anger following his team's recent losses. This bold move may be a sign of how players express their emotions and seek reinvention, even through their physical appearance. While Arteezy's attempt to channel the success of Yatoro's iconic bald hairstyle didn't lead to victory, it highlights the unique ways players draw inspiration from one another.

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Since 2012, Dhruv has developed a deep passion for Dota 2, which has only grown stronger over time. With three years of experience as a competitive player and a background in writing, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to create content around the game and its esports scene.