Female Dota 2 Streamer AXX will compete in the ESL One: Los Angeles Major Chinese Qualifiers

Vignesh Raghuram
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Female Dota 2 Streamer AXX will compete in the ESL One: Los Angeles Major Chinese Qualifiers

Image Courtesy: AXX

Perhaps the best Female Dota 2 Player in the world, Chinese streamer Bi “AXX” Xia is all set to join forces with Team Blaze to compete in the ESL One: Los Angeles 2020 Major Chinese Qualifiers.

AXX currently holds a ranking of 115(Core) | 193(Support) in the Chinese Leaderboards. Her previous competitive experience includes a stint with Newbee.Boss alongside the likes of xiao8, Ferrari_430, and ChuaN. 

She also competed in the International 9 Open Qualifiers where she competed alongside legendary carry ZSMJ and SanSheng, where they got a Top 64 placing in the Open Qualifiers.

Team Blaze is a team founded by some of the most legendary Dota 2 players in China including YYF, Zhou, LongDD, DD and Mu. They are also being coached by TI2 Champion IG.Zhou. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus crisis in China, Blaze is unable to field their regular players po3 and xixi who have been caught within the quarantine.

Hence AXX, who regularly plays with Zhou on stream, was offered a chance to step in and compete in the offlane role. 

Considering the fact that teams like PSG.LGD will also be competing in the Open Qualifiers and the strength of the Tier 2 Chinese scene, it will surely be a tall ask for this team to make it to the Regional Qualifiers. However, it is heartening to see Female players compete at the highest tier.

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Vignesh has been covering the esports industry for nearly 5 years starting with the early days of the DPC. His industry expertise includes experience in Dota 2, CS:GO and Mobile Esports coverage.