Six of the Funniest Posts from Operation Shattered Web

Aditya Singh Rawat
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Six of the Funniest Posts from Operation Shattered Web

The new operation from Valve certainly took everyone by surprise as Shattered Web released yesterday with a new battle pass format. While everyone was busy purchasing the pass and admiring the weapon skins, character models, stickers, graffitis, and maps, some had begun their investigation, snooping around to flood the internet with whatever a common man would have missed out on.

Here are some of the findings by various community members that had us in splits,

1. When you are more than just an MVP

In a bid to really showcase how good a player is, Valve introduced “The Most Valuable MVP”, making sure that the message was received by everyone loud and clear.

Six of the Funniest Posts from Operation Shattered Web

2. Wrong purchase?

Rules are meant to be broken, and Valve made sure that they were a testament to this statement, as they handed a shotgun to one of their new character models named “Michael Syfers | FBI Sniper”.

Six of the Funniest Posts from Operation Shattered Web

3. $3,000!!!

Top-notch SEO work from Valve copywriters, they sure know how to work those Google algorithms.

Six of the Funniest Posts from Operation Shattered Web

4. Bucket loads of fun

Bringing in Colonel to help out the boys with a bucket of KFC. Valve even went ahead to acknowledge the same to KFC Gaming.

Six of the Funniest Posts from Operation Shattered Web

5. Lulquid

u/--Happy-- really hit it home with this one. This one is not on Valve, or maybe it was an easter egg?!

Six of the Funniest Posts from Operation Shattered Web

6. Big brain. No game.

This guy must have endured a lot of negativity from his teammate’s but at least he found out how savage Valve was when it came to the post-match presentation, giving the bottom fragger the title of being “The Armchair General”.

Six of the Funniest Posts from Operation Shattered Web

These were just some of the many things that multiple users from within the community were able to spot and bring to everyone’s attention, that made many of us smile. Let’s see what else the update holds for us as we keep finding out more about the operation.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.