Stats Showcase CS:GO Rank Distribution for 2021

Aditya Singh Rawat
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Stats Showcase CS:GO Rank Distribution for 2021
  • Research conducted by Leetify showcases the distribution of the total CS:GO player base across all the ranks.
  • Data proves that the majority of the players are not stuck in the Silver bracket, instead they lie in the Gold bracket.
  • Apart from rank distribution, Leetify also brings forth some interesting aim related data and statistics.

Rank is an important and integral part of the CS:GO matchmaking experience. Once a player gets a hang of the basics, they start their journey through the rough roads of competitive matchmaking. A gripping affair that plunges a player into an endless cycle of improving themselves and achieving a better rank. The satisfaction of excelling as both a team and an individual player is what every CS:GO player strives to achieve, casual or professional. However, every player is different and improves at their own pace, due to which the total player base gets divided between a spectrum of ranks.

This categorization of ranks is important so that players can gradually improve over time, instead of being subjected to unbalanced ranked matchmaking, which would only lead to stress, frustration, and an extremely underwhelming experience. 

To give users a better insight into the current CS:GO rank distribution, stats analyzing website ‘Leetify’ has managed to analyze over 7 million unique matchmaking players. Let’s take a look at some of their findings and see on which rank does the majority of the CS:GO player base lies.

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CS:GO Rank Distribution 2021

Ranking in CS:GO ranges from the lowest possible ‘Silver I’ all the way up to ‘Global Elite’. These rankings have their own working mechanisms and principles, to learn about them in detail interested users can ‘Click Here’. Let’s take a quick glance at the CS:GO rank distribution  data presented in the form of a graph,

Stats Showcase CS:GO Rank Distribution for 2021
  • While the common belief is that most of the players are hard stuck in the Silver bracket that ranges from Silver I to Silver Elite Master, with a total of 4 rankings in between. The research conducted by Leetify proves that this is totally false.

    In total, 27.42% of the CS:GO player base lies in the Silver bracket. In contrast, the Gold bracket comprises 32.71% of the total users.

  • While the rise and fall of the CS:GO player percentages per rank is uniform throughout the entire distribution, there are two anomalies that stand out. The first is the sudden increase of CS:GO players in the Silver II rank (4.64%), while the second is caused due to a sudden increase of CS:GO player in the Legendary Eagle Master (4.34%) rank.

  • The maximum number of CS:GO players lie in the Gold Nova Master bracket, which comprises 8.65% of the total player base (7 million approx.) equating to roughly around 605,500 players.

  • Surprisingly, the minimum number of CS:GO players apart from the obvious Global Elite rank (1.04%) lies in Silver I, which comprises 2.41% of the total player base (7 million approx.) equating to roughly around 168,700 players.

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Apart from this, some other useful information shared by ‘Leetify’ came in the form of aim related data and statistics across the different CS:GO ranks. The first being a comparison between crosshair placement and reaction time to inflict damage, while the other compared headshot and spray accuracy.

Both these statistics followed the norm, showcasing a uniform growth across the ranks in ascending order. This simply acts as a visual indicator that players do need to get better at the game in order to attain a better rank, as the average numbers showcase a constant growth pattern.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.