Astralis Drops a Mysterious Tweet, Could it be Xyp9x Return?

Aditya Singh Rawat
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Astralis Drops a Mysterious Tweet, Could it be Xyp9x Return?


  • Astralis drops a mysterious Tweet with the date seventeenth September.
  • Slight silhouette of a player is visible in the photo.
  • Heavy speculation by the users that the Tweet is related to Xyp9x's return.

The Danish organization Astralis who are currently standing fourth on the ESL Pro League Season 12 ‘Group-B’ rankings at the end of the first week, has dropped a mysterious Tweet out of the blue with an image dated 17th September. No one seems to have any idea as to what the Tweet might be about, with the majority of the users speculating that it is a hint by Astralis marking Andreas "Xyp9x" Hojslet’s return to competitive Counter-Strike.

RELATED:  Xyp9x Reportedly Signed as Backup Player Along With Gla1ve For ESL Cologne

Astralis Drops A Mysterious Tweet

Just a few hours back Astralis has posted a very cryptic Tweet with a date reading 17th September and a supersaturated image that shows a slight silhouette of a player standing with folded arms.

The above image is mostly black in color with a bright red light shining from the extreme right and if one looks closely enough they can see the very faint silhouette of a player standing in the back with his arms folded around his chest. That is the only detail one can obtain from the Tweet and the majority of the users are of the opinion that the player in the image is Xyp9x.

Could It Actually Be Xyp9x?

Most of the users seem to be certain that it is Xyp9x, with one user re-uploading the same image after having tinkered around with its color settings.

Astralis Drops a Mysterious Tweet, Could it be Xyp9x Return?

Through this modified image, one can make out that a sort of video or photo shoot seems to be going on as one person can be seen carrying a camera while the player is posing. Another reason why users think that this might be related to Xyp9x’s return is because of a Tweet made by him a few days back where he congratulates Heroic on their victory while stating “Enjoy while it lasts.”

That particular statement was enough to spark speculations that the Dane might be on his way back to Astralis and today's cryptic Tweet only strengthens the community's doubts. But all said and done there is no solid evidence available to verify these speculations, at the moment it is just a possibility referring to Xyp9x’s return who himself has not made any official statement from his side yet.

The 24-year-old has been absent from the competitive circuit for more than three months now, after having announced his indefinite departure in late May earlier this year.

RELATED:  Xyp9x Reveals why he took an Indefinite Break from Counter-Strike

Other Speculations

Apart from users wasting no time to claim that the Tweet refers to Xyp9x’s return a few other speculations were, 

  • The announcement of another new player, it is a well-known fact that Astralis aims to build a 10-man roster and this might be a step towards reaching that goal. The users think it might be the 18-year-old Danish player Magnus "Toft" Toft who was dropped from the Tricked Esports lineup a few hours back, with the organization announcing that they are working on shifting him to another team.
  • Just a preview of an upcoming video most possibly involving Lucas "Bubzkji" Andersen of his journey to Astralis as the organization has already made one about Patrick "es3tag" Hansen and also cause the silhouette looks very similar to that of the 22-year-old Dane.

Whatever the Tweet might be about one thing that is for sure is that Astralis has stirred up quite a commotion within the community, though even I hope that it turns out to be a post about the clutch minister’s return!

RELATED:  Gla1ve Returns to Astralis’ Active Roster, Replaces Es3tag

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.