Shroud Points out how CS:GO Might have an Edge over VALORANT

Aditya Singh Rawat
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Shroud Points out how CS:GO Might have an Edge over VALORANT

Cover Image Courtesy: Oneesports | Thumbnail Image Courtesy: shroud

Since Riot Games revelation of VALORANT, there has been a huge uproar of speculations that it is going to be a direct threat for CS:GO and this mixed reaction by former CS:GO pro Michael “shroud” Grzesiek helps clarify a few things about how VALORANT’s release will impact the age-old shooter.

While going through VALORANT’s gameplay footage shroud pointed out that Riot’s new release lacks the simplicity that CS:GO possesses when it comes to spectatorship, while also pointing out that the concept of Overwatch type of ‘abilities’ added to the game might be a thing of concern for VALORANT.

He pointed out a few things while viewing the gameplay footage that he did not understand or had no idea what it did, especially when it came to the various ‘abilities’ that the different characters of VALORANT possess.

He criticized the game for being quite hard to understand for newcomers explaining himself by saying that “Part of the reason why I don't know how huge [Valorant] will be on a viewing perspective. Put CS for example, 'flashbang goes off, ok, smoke goes off, ok, guns are being bought.' Here, it's like another level; guns are being bought, abilities are being bought, utilities being bought, and, characters do stuff."

He concludes by saying that “So, I don't know if this game can surpass CS, but, I think it'll be successful.”

The 25-year-old streamer gave his honest opinion on the two games and how VALORANT sizes up against CS:GO, seeing spectatorship as a problem while the ‘abilities’ feature can be either its guardian angel or its bane.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.