Reflect: a Web3 Game That Helps Relive Your Memories

Zen Khurana
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Reflect will allow people to relive certain memories from throughout their life in the Metaverse.</p></div>
Reflect will allow people to relive certain memories from throughout their life in the Metaverse.


The Metaverse experience has been focused on community driven events on a large scale and find a way to connect individuals to precious IPs
Reflect is a new Web3 game that will allow people to relive certain memories from throughout their life in the Metaverse.

The Metaverse experience has been focused on community driven events on a large scale and finding a way to connect individuals to IPs that are looking for a deeper connection with. Reflect is looking to change this, putting a spotlight on building experiences that are built and developed for individuals themselves.

Your memories re-experienced in Reflect

Reflect is a simulation game that will allow people to relive certain memories from throughout their life in the Metaverse. By purchasing the Reflect Mint Pass, players are able to have their memories created into an interactive world powered by Unity and Unreal Engine 5, featuring high-resolution AI Avatars that they can interact and play with.

Users can have their memories minted as an NFT on the blockchain that they can then interact with by playing in high-resolution gameplay. By spending 1 ETH ($1,717 USD), users can have their memories that date back to 2010. Each decade of a memory's age increases its price by 1 ETH, with Reflect offering users the option of minting "any" memory for 4 ETH.

Players would be required to upload any pieces of media that can help with the recreation of the memory along with a detailed description with a minimum 300 characters of the memory and a description of what happened in the media submitted. The team will then develop these memories that can then be re-experienced in the metaverse.

Other than your own memories, users who hold the Legendary Tier Mint pass have the option to collaborate with various institutions focused on historic preservation, such as museums to recreate historical experiences. You can experience memories such as the collapse of the Berlin wall or experience Martin Luther Kings “I have a dream speech”.

When you mint your NFT, simply stake it and your Metaverse will start development. The team will also have personal interviews with individuals to gloss over the details of your personalized virtual world and ensure that the experience is as accurate as it can be.

Memories can be minted and sold on open markets such as Opensea to allow others to experience your memories as well. Reflect plans to use an open world such as Sandbox or Decentraland but rather than utilizing plots like the other two, Reflect will use a co-existence of memories that can be joined and experienced by anyone.

The Reflect experience

Currently there is little information about the experience on the Reflect Website, but it did state that The Reflect Metaverse will be powered by the Epic games Unreal Engine 5 to provide state of the art graphics.

Reflect is also working on advanced NPCs that are AI Reflection Avatars that can behave and speak like the people present in your memory. You will have the option of having others join your memories as Smart NPCs (Non-Playable Characters). Throughout the memory, they will adapt and learn and to each memory making them a smart living NPC. This represents the end goal of a living, breathing metaverse built from the memories of an individual.

As per gameplay itself, the plan is to have branching experiences known as Quantum Jumping. Popular story based games such as Telltale games use this mechanic to provide branching experience and make different decisions that lead to different outcomes. With Reflect users can go through memories with a second chance to do things differently and make different choices to experience what might have happened or you can relive the memory in its entirety without changing any details.

How to get started?

The game is currently exclusive to the Mirror Image One console.. Users can mint and Mint Pass NFT from the official Reflect game website and receive the Reflect Game.

This story was written in partnership with Linx Games

Linx Games is a community-driven blockchain game distribution platform for gamers and developers to interact, socialize and exchange ideas.

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Zen is a blockchain gaming writer for AFK Gaming. As an avid gamer since childhood, he is now focused on the booming blockchain gaming space.