Latest VALORANT Leak Reveals an Unreleased Agent called Bombshell

Aditya Singh Rawat
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Latest VALORANT Leak Reveals an Unreleased Agent called Bombshell
  • Latest VALORANT leak point towards an unreleased agent called Bombshell which also goes by the code name of Killjoy.

  • Multiple voice lines by Breach, Sage, Cypher, and Jett give hints about the character's design, role, and abilities.

  • Further evidence details a list of abilities that Bombshell might possess, along with the discovery of an icon that might be the character's ultimate. 

VALORANT which is still in closed beta has come across various issues which are actively being patched by Riot, as the game gets fine-tuned before being released publicly. When a new character called Raze was introduced with high damage abilities, countless other theories began popping up about which characters might be released next. The most recent of these theories features a new agent named ‘Bombshell’.

As per the latest VALORANT leak, it has been revealed that an agent called Bombshell was probably created for the game but was later scrapped without seeing the light of day. According to data collected by a YouTube channel called PlayerIGN, there are multiple voice lines from various existing characters that hint towards the existence of said agent.

Two voice lines from Breach, mention Bombshell: You and me Bombshell...” and “Bombshell! Together again…”. This hints that the two characters might have worked together at some point in time. Sage also mentions the character in the following voice line, “Ignite this place Bombshell,” which suggests that one of the character's abilities is destructive in nature.

In addition to these, voice lines by Jett and Cypher give us a rough idea of the character. In one instance, Cypher calling Bombshell a “little engineer” outlines that the character might be ‘short’ in size and an ‘engineer’, while Jett's line about “bots” gives us an idea that the character might have the ability to control ‘robots’

Apart from the voice lines, PlayerIGN also pointed out some of the earlier material he had found about an agent code-named ‘Killjoy’ who apparently embodies the role of an ‘Engineer’. He speculates that Bombshell is the in-game name given to Killjoy.

Latest VALORANT Leak Reveals an Unreleased Agent called Bombshell

Some abilities that the character might possess could be, the ability to deploy a turret, to equip lasers, and a weapon similar to an electric hammer of some kind, as depicted on the below-shown icon.

Latest VALORANT Leak Reveals an Unreleased Agent called Bombshell

The status of the leaked character is still unclear. It's possible that the character is actually scrapped as initially speculated or maybe it will be released in a future update with changes to its design or abilities.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.