Mobile Esports

Wild Rift Jungle Tier List in Patch 2.2B

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  • The Wild Rift Jungle Tier List in Patch 2.2B ranks all the champions from the least viable to the best jungle champions in ranked games.
  • Wukong, Lee Sin, and Vi are currently at the top of the meta in the jungle lane.
  • This Wild Rift Jungle Tier List in Patch 2.2B will only act as your guide on which champions are performing well in the jungle role.

The Wild Rift Jungle Tier List in Patch 2.2B ranks all the champions in League of Legends: Wild Rift from the least viable to the best jungle champions in ranked games. The Wild Rift Jungle Tier List in Patch 2.2B will help players get updated on which champions are doing well in the jungle role. However, keep in mind that you also need to understand and learn to use these champions in order to maximize their potential and start winning your games. This Wild Rift Jungle Tier List in Patch 2.2B will only act as your guide on which champions are performing well in the jungle role. Your playstyle will be a great factor in how you can climb the ranked ladder. 

RELATED:  Wild Rift Patch 2.2b: Full Notes and Details

Wild Rift Jungle Tier List in Patch 2.2B

The jungle role is arguably one of the hardest and most important roles in the game. They are in charge of taking jungle objectives and ganking allied lanes and get kills. Jungle champions can usually survive well on their own which is why some of the Baron Lane champions can also take the jungle role when necessary. 


Wukong, Lee Sin, Vi


Olaf, Jarvan IV, Camille, Evelynn

Gragas, Amumu, Greaves, Mundo, Shyvanna, Pantheon

Diana, Xin Zhao, Rammus


Master Yi, Jax


Wild Rift Jungle Tier List in Patch 2.2B: Best Jungle Champions

These champions are currently the best jungle champions in the Patch 2.2B meta. These champions have a lot in common, mainly, high mobility and roaming potential. 


Wukong is one of the best fighter champions in the Jungle Role.

Wukong is one of the most annoying champions to deal with. He can leave turn invisible and leave a clone which can be a headache for players who rely on auto targeting. His ultimate can also knock enemies up in the air which is very useful in team fights especially if you have an ally Yasuo. 

Players can build Black Cleaver, Mercury’s Treads with Stasis Enchant, Death’s Dance, Sterak’s Gage, Force of Nature, and Guardian Angel.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin's mobility is second to none when he is played in the jungle.

Lee Sin is arguably one of the most popular jungle champions in Wild Rift. He has an insane amount of mobility and can easily chase down enemies with his dash skills. However, he does have a high skill ceiling which requires players to spend hours practicing his combo. 

Players can build Black Cleaver, Gluttonous Greaves with Stasis Enchant, Death’s Dance, Sterak’s Gage, Spirit Visage, and Guardian Angel.


Vi is one of the easiest and powerful jungle champions in Wild Rift.

Vi is one of the easiest and powerful jungle champions in Wild Rift. She can reduce an opponent’s armor which can be very useful for tanks. She is also quite tanky as she can generate her own shield. 

Players can build Trinity Force, Ninja Tabi with Stasis Enchant, Death’s Dance, Sterak’s Gage, Thornmail, and Guardian Angel.

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That’s all you need to know about our Wild Rift Jungle Tier List in Patch 2.2B. Keep in mind that playing these champions alone won’t be enough to win matches. You also need to be familiar with them and how you can use them in certain situations. 

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John has been reporting developments on major mobile MOBA titles such as Mobile Legends, Wild Rift, and Arena of Valor for over two years. He also understands and follows various other PC/Mobile games such as League of Legends, Crossfire, Warcraft and more.