
EliGE Reveals His Best CS:GO Key Binds, Launch Options, Video Settings

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  • EliGE is one of the best riflers in the world who has been playing with Team Liquid since 2015.
  • He recently shared with the Counter-Strike community some of his best CS:GO key binds, launch options, and video settings.
  • All these settings have been listed below and can be used by CS:GO players to improve their overall gameplay.

North American rifler Jonathan "EliGE" Jablonowski who has been playing CS:GO competitively with Team Liquid for more than 6 years, recently came forward to share with the Counter-Strike community some of his favorite CS:GO launch options, video settings, and binds. EliGE has proven himself to be one of the most consistent riflers in the world, making the ‘HLTV Top 10’ 2 years in a row. While most of it may be due to his raw talent and relentless training, his precise fundamentals of the game are only possible due to a set of custom CS:GO settings that he has refined over the years.

Let us take a look at what these custom settings are and try to break them down. While CS:GO launch options and video settings might not directly improve your gameplay, they will definitely impact your game positively. On the other hand, binds can really help you improve in CS:GO if you use them effectively and inculcate them in your regular playstyle. So, let us dive right in.

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Important CS:GO Launch Options, Video Settings, Binds - EliGE

Best CS:GO Binds - EliGE

Nade Binds

EliGE stresses that nade binds are the most important to have and use in CS:GO, especially if you want to improve as a player and play Counter-Strike competitively. Here are all the nade binds used by EliGE that you can directly enter in your CS:GO console,

  • bind "x" "slot7"

    This nade bind helps a player automatically equip a flashbang. Here, “x” can be replaced by any key that you want to bind to the flashbang utility.

  • bind "x" "slot8"

    This nade bind helps a player automatically equip a smoke grenade. Here, “x” can be replaced by any key that you want to bind to the smoke utility.

  • bind "x" "slot10"

    This nade bind helps a player automatically equip a Molotov. Here, “x” can be replaced by any key that you want to bind to the Molotov utility.

  • bind “x” “+Jump;-Attack;”

    This is an additional nade bind that helps a player automatically jump and throw a utility at the same time, by clicking just one key. Here, “x” can be replaced by any key that you want to bind to the action of jumping and throwing.


EliGE comes forward to reveal that this RADAR bind was a lot more useful back in the day when the CS:GO smoke bug used to exist, but since it was fixed its usage has dropped. But it can still be useful in other ways like navigating through smokes or attempting a wallbang kill.

  • bind "x" "toggle cl_radar_scale 1 0.3"

    This bind helps a player increase the size of the in-game RADAR significantly to view it better. Here, “x” can be replaced by any key that you want to bind for the RADAR to increase in size. Do keep in mind that this is a togglable action, so pressing the same key again will change the RADAR size back to default.

Player Ping Bind

One of the recent additions to CS:GO was the ‘Dynamic Ping System’ which was introduced along with the currently ongoing Operation Broken Fang. Though this new feature had some critical bugs associated with it, overall it is a great addition to the game for improving communication between team members. 

Something pointed out by EliGE as well, who uses it quite a bit during pugs. Here is the player ping bind that you can directly enter in your CS:GO console,

  • bind "x" "player_ping"

    This bind helps a player ping on a particular location on the map in front of him, while passing some relevant information. Here, “x” can be replaced by any key that you want to bind to the player ping action.
Dynamic ping feature added by CS:GO

Left-Right Player Viewmodel Swap Bind

This bind will simply shift your in-game player viewmodel from left to right, or right to left. Players at a higher level like to hold certain positions with a specific angle which offers them a slight advantage at times, this single click bind helps them switch their rifle from a right-handed grip to a left-handed one, and vice versa.

  • bind "x" "cl_righthand 1"

    This bind helps a player shift their player viewmodel within CS:GO from right to left. Here, “x” can be replaced by any key that you want to bind for the player viewmodel to switch from right to left.

  • bind "y" "cl_righthand 0”

    This bind helps a player shift their player viewmodel within CS:GO from left to right. Here, “y” can be replaced by any key that you want to bind for the player viewmodel to switch from left to right.

Toggle Crosshair Bind

This bind is super useful for lining up utility, maximizing its efficiency and reducing the rate of error. Players can simply switch between the normal crosshair that they use for firing and this huge crosshair specifically for lining up utility.

  • bind “x” “toggle cl_crosshair (your normal crosshair size) 900”

    This bind helps a player switch their normal CS:GO crosshair with one that is specifically used for lining up a utility. Here, “x” can be replaced by any key that you want to bind for switching the crosshair. Do keep in mind that this is a togglable action, so pressing the same key again will change the crosshair size back to default.

RELATED:  5 Must Have CS:GO Binds to Optimize Gameplay

Best CS:GO Launch Options - EliGE

CS:GO launch options are nothing but custom personalized settings that a user can implement to improve their gameplay experience. Professional players over the years create their own set of pre-written executable console commands as per their own requirements, that are applied automatically when the game launches.

Here are the CS:GO launch options used by ElIGE,

  • -novid -tickrate 128 +fps_max 999 +rate 786432 -allow_third_party_software

RELATED:  Best CS:GO Launch Options 2021: Boost FPS, Increase Performance, Optimal Settings

Best CS:GO Video Settings - EliGE

CS:GO video settings helps a player view the game as per their own comfort and requirements. Some players like to view the game in all its glory, while few are only able to click heads when the enemy player models are stretched. At the end of the day, every player over the many years of having played CS:GO come up with their own set of video settings.

Here are all the advanced CS:GO video settings used by EliGE,

Advance Video Settings - NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 3080
   Global Shadow Quality      High
   Model/Texture Detail   Low
   Texture Streaming   Disabled
   Effect Detail   High
   Shader Detail   High
   Boost Player Contrast   Disabled
   Multicore Rendering   Enabled
   Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode   None
   FXAA Anti Aliasing   Disabled
   Texture Filtering Mode   Bilinear
   Wait for Vertical Sync   Disabled
   Motion Blur   Disabled
   Triple-Monitor Mode   Disabled
   Use Uber Shaders   Auto: Enabled

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.