<div class="paragraphs"><p>OneRare is a food metaverse and has two distinct NFTs</p></div>
Blockchain Games

OneRare: Everything You Need to Know About the Food Metaverse

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OneRare is the world's first metaverse for food and aims to create an immersive virtual experience for all users.
The Gaming Zone feature of OneRare metaverse has two distinct NFTs - Ingredient NFTs and Dish NFTs along with a native digital token called $ORARE.
The Playground features two mini-games - HippoFull and Foodtruck Wars.

With Web3 on the rise, many developers worldwide have begun to explore blockchain-based gaming in depth. Almost all Web3 projects have one concept in common which happens to be the Metaverse. This term has been rising in popularity ever since game developers started to re-create all real-life experiences inside a virtual, inter-connected world called Metaverse. The projects based on this concept have been repetitive as of late but OneRare hopes to be different.

OneRare is the world’s first metaverse for food and aims to create an immersive, virtual experience for all foodies around the globe. It hopes to utilize the NFT technology to make interactions between users and the culinary world more effective. It plans to bring celebrity chefs, popular restaurants, fan-favorite cooking shows, and even food brands to the OneRare platform to enable engagement and create multiple monetization opportunities.

The Gaming Zone feature of OneRare Metaverse has two distinct NFTs - Ingredient NFTs and Dish NFTs along with a native digital token called $ORARE.

What can you do in OneRare?

While OneRare is a platform where both users and brands can come together and interact in meaningful ways. It also has plenty of fun Play-to-Earn (P2E) aspects that users can enjoy. OneRare also has a dedicated Gaming Zone where users can engage in various food activities and explore the vast metaverse. The gaming zone is further divided into various different areas:


The farm is the Play-to-Earn area of OneRare. Farmers can stake $ORARE tokens to grow various ingredients. There is no entry barrier so users without land can also start farming. There are unique six staking pools that users can choose from to obtain different ingredients. These include - Farm Fresh, Meat & Fish Co, Sunshine Dairy, Spice Village, SuperMart and The Good Grain.

Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s Market is the official shop where users can trade different types of produce and NFTs. It is divided into two different categories: Farmer Shops and Dish Sellers.

  • Farmer Shops: Farmer Shops is primarily used by farmers to list their ingredients and set particular prices for their products. Users can also buy multiple quantities of the same crop and the system will help users automatically select the best price.

  • Dish Sellers: Users can sell their OneRare Dish NFTs in this market. Players can put up their minted editions for sale and are also give the option to choose their own prices.


This is one of the most popular spots in the OneRare foodverse. Dishes from all over the world are featured in the kitchen. Each dish also has the required ingredients listed and after sourcing the items from the marketplace, the user can create the desired dish. In this process, the Ingredient NFTs will be burned and the desired Dish NFT will replace them.

OneRare Playground

Although the Playground is a part of the gaming zone of OneRare, it is fundamentally different from the various segments mentioned above. The playground features two mini-games that users can play using OneRare NFTs. Winning in these games will allow users to earn $ORARE tokens and exciting NFT rewards. The two different games are:


In this slot-based NFT game, users are required to feed a hungry hippo using the ingredients NFT. Players can feed only one ingredient at a time. During any point in the feeding process, the Hippo will be full and would, therefore “vomit” all the Ingredient NFTs that it consumed. The last wallet address that fed the Hippo would obtain all the rewards. This casino-styled NFT game will retain user interest by keeping the surprise element alive.

Foodtruck Wars

Foodtruck Wars is a three-player (PvPvP) game. Users will need to own at least two dish NFTs to participate in this game. Once the game begins, they will be pitted against two other random players. At the start of the round, a random theme will be chosen. A theme can consist of a cuisine, festival, season or special occasion. Users that have multiple NFTs would then choose the two Dish NFTs that they wish to play with to match the theme. Users that only have two NFTs will need to compulsorily use both of them. Participants can set the price of their dishes and then 100 simulated players will be visiting the food trucks. All simulated players will also have certain preferences that would determine their choices. At the end of three minutes (three in-game days) the user with the most sales will be declared the winner.

How to Play?

Currently, users can test out the Gaming Zone by heading over to the official website and clicking on the Play on Testnet option. Users will have to connect a wallet and switch to Polygon testnet to start playing the game.

This story was written in partnership with Linx Games

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Shivang Patel is a web3 and blockchain gaming content writer at AFK Gaming. On weekends, you can catch him watching anime and playing FPS titles.