AFK Gaming

Battle Pass Part II: Six New Features


The second part of the Battle Pass features the remaining items that the first part was missing, such as the second Immortal Treasure, Crystal’s Maiden hero persona and more.


However, the Razor Arcana is still yet to be released.


The annual Dota 2 event of Diretide makes a return to the game, although the event now has a slight change to its gameplay. The main objective of the event remains the same for players.


Players that earned Candy Sacks can trade in candy they've gained from the Battle Pass at Sithil and Quirt's Candyworks & Treasure Emporium to claim all sorts of items.


One of the many long awaited rewards by the community, the Crystal Maiden Persona features the hero in a totally different way. The Persona replaces the original model with an ageless wolf avatar.


While many expected a Kaci Aitchison & Siractionslacks announcer pack, the delay in production saw Gabe Newell called in a favor from Cave Johnson, CEO of Aperture Science, voiced by J.K Simmons.

Along with the second part of the Battle Pass release, all of the other stuff such as custom versus screens, shader effects, new taunts for certain heroes and more were announced.
