
Valve Releases Updates for Steam Link Hidden Within a Recent CS:GO Patch

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  • Valve releases 'Store Categories' and 'App Config' changes for Steam Link as part of a recently released CS:GO update.

  • The source of this leak did not mention the significance of these changes, with many speculating that Valve might be looking to release a mobile version of Counter-Strike in the future.

It looks like Valve is extending some more support to Steam Link, as it released some control changes for smartphones and tablets along with a recent CS:GO patch. A Reddit user recently disclosed the hidden update log for the support, sharing a few screenshots of the same.

Though the user did not prove any further explanation for his find, it was stated that the recent CS:GO patch has updated something under the ‘Store Categories’ which has something to do with the 'remote play' on both mobile devices and tablets.

Steam Link Change List

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A look at the screenshot further discloses that the ‘Application Configuration’ has also undergone some changes. Could this be an initial step to launch a bigger update in the future? So as to enable users to play Counter-Strike via their mobile or tablet devices.

The statement above is speculation at this point but the recent explosion of mobile gaming witnessed worldwide could be influencing Valve to consider these changes. If it turns out to be true, this could certainly catch the community by surprise who don’t seem to be particularly excited for this rumoured change.

Also, the possibility of something like this happening is certainly there as this would not be the first time that Valve will be releasing a mobile game. It has earlier released a game called 'Dota Underlords' which currently has a rating of 3.8 on Google Playstore, but linking the speculation to a Steam Link update is quite wild.

Steam Link is an application for both Android and iOS that lets users enjoy their favourite Steam games on mobiles, tablets, and even TVs by simply linking their devices to the computer running Steam, as they sit back and enjoy their games seamlessly on the go.

Previously all the devices had to be present on the same local network but a later update by Valve seems to have taken care of this serious limitation, giving more flexibility to the users so as to make the whole experience more efficient and seamless.

This update might be seemingly insignificant or it could be the start of something truly fantastic like; maybe a way to enable users to play CS:GO on these portable devices without facing a major difference from the actual PC experience.

[Also Read: Valve Reportedly Releases Modified Alpha Version of the Steam Client for China]

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.