Interview With Team Vitality COD Mobile - The Journey So Far

Vitality CODM team's journey from their early struggles to one of the best teams in South Asia and the Middle East.

Aditya Singh Rawat
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Interview With Team Vitality COD Mobile - The Journey So Far</p></div>

French esports organization Team Vitality had initially announced its entry into India on 26th October 2020, but it wasn’t until 4th December that it officially made moves in the country by signing four YouTube livestreamers/content creators. However, when it comes to esports in India, Vitality started its journey by signing a Call of Duty: Mobile roster on 26th March. Since then its lineup has come a long way and in only three months the squad currently stands as the top-ranked COD Mobile team in South Asia and the Middle East region. This was achieved on the back of their ‘30-0’ win streak at the recently concluded Stage 2 of the Call of Duty Mobile World Championship.

Vitality India: Getting Started With COD Mobile

The six-person lineup representing the Vitality COD Mobile team that achieved this feat is as follows:

  • Arav "MonK" Narang (IGL)

  • Armaan "Moonscope" Dharni

  • Akshan "Argon" Madhani

  • Priyank "DEATH" Birajdar

  • Samartha Ganesh "JOKOs" Ghadge

  • Samruddha "SAMs" Ghadge

Currently based in Mumbai, India, all six players practice and play out of a bootcamp that the org has set up for them. The players moved in right after they were picked up by the organization and have been competing out of it ever since.

But it’s far from just fun and games at the Vitality India bootcamp. Playing out of a training facility means that the players have to follow a disciplined routine. A typical day usually starts a bit late for the CODM players with practice commencing by 13:00 IST. The session goes on for the next ten hours till around 23:00 IST. However, during this period, the players do take multiple breaks of varying durations. After the training session is over, the team gets together to relax and watch a movie, which also promotes team-bonding among the players.

Speaking to AFK Gaming, Vitality CODM’s in-game leader (IGL), Arav “MonK'' Narang, points out that their training schedule remains consistent on a daily basis. He asserts that the bootcamp is not an option but a necessity for the team.

Indian teams require a bootcamp in general when compared to other regions because of the limited availability of good internet service providers, which directly results in packet loss and ping issues.
Arav “MonK'' Narang - Interview with AFK Gaming

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