AFK Gaming

Top 5 Most Banned Champions in Wild Rift Within Two Weeks of Their Release


It usually takes time for players to adjust and think of counterpicks for newly released champions, hence they are usually banned in the first few weeks of their release.


All the data presented are based on Riot Games' "Wild Stats" blog post.


Akali is at the fifth spot with 4.4 million bans. Within her first 14 days in Wild Rift. A pretty reasonable number for an assassin who can one shot marksmen.

Kassadin follows in the fourth spot with 5.3 million bans. His high mobility and nearly unlimited blink made him quite annoying to deal with.


Brand takes third place with 5.6 million bans. A very versatile champion that can play as Mid or a support poke.


Kayle sits at the second place spot with 6.2 bans. Her late game power spike really shines a lot during her first 14 days in the game. Unfortunately, she has been receiving a lot of nerfs lately.


At the top spot is Sett with a massive 6.7 million. bans during his first two weeks in Wild Rift. Until now, Sett remains as one of the most reliable Baron Laners in the game.
