AFK Gaming

Best Wild Rift Champions You Should Be Using for Patch 3.3b

The recent patch 3.3b brought in a new flavor in the meta. Some champions received balance changes that affected their viability in matches.


Wukong's decent lane sustain with the Grasp of the Undying rune and outplay potential makes him the perfect Baron Laner for almost any situation.


Despite the nerf, Shyvana's mid to late game power as a Junger is still something to behold. Just keep farming for those stacks to unlock new ability effects.


Kassadin's Riftwalk Ultimate Ability makes him very unpredictable. His late game power as a Mid Laner is also something to look out for.


As a Dragon Laner, Lucian's mobility and insane DPS with the Kraken Slayer rune can melt even the toughest tanks out there.


The massive sustain and burst damage from Karma makes her more than just a utility support for the team.


While these are the top picks for Patch 3.3b, two new champions- Samira and Sion may shake up the meta on 26th August.
