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Siblings in League of Legends


In League of Legends, Katarina and Cassiopeia are sisters from Noxus. 


Garen and Lux are siblings who were born into the family of the prestigious Crownguards in Demacia. 


Nasus and Renekton are Ascended brothers from Shurima who served emperor Azir. 


Sisters Morgana and Kayle were born on Mount Targon as the twin Aspects of Justice.


Yone and Yasuo are half-brothers from Ionia, who were close when they were younger. But a war that engulfed Ionia separated them.


Draven is the younger brother of Darius and they grew up in the streets of Noxus. The Blood Brothers fought anyone who came in their way.

Jinx and Vi and League of Legends’ hot-headed sisters as portrayed in Arcane. They grew up in Zaun.