AFK Gaming

League of Legends Season Start Cinematics Released Till Date


Riot Games has been releasing champion-led cinematics with immaculate lore at the start of every season since 2018.


The first season start cinematic in 2018 was titled The Climb, featuring champions including Yasuo, Ekko, Miss Fortune, Lucian and Thresh.


The 2019 Season cinematic was titled Awaken and it featured Draven, Riven, and many champions from Ionia including Irelia and Karma.


The 2020 cinematic told the story of how Demacia rallied together to fight Sylas and was called “Warriors.”


In 2021, the cinematic was a bit different but players got to experience the tale of Ruination and featured champions including Senna and Lucian.


The start of League of Legends Season 2023, players were treated to “The Call” which showed the mighty Ornn and also champions like Pantheon, Sejuani and Taliyah.


The 2023 cinematic which was released this week was called The Brink of Inifnity.


Riot Games received flak from the community for the 2023 cinematic as it was lacluster and as it failed to embody the hype of a season’s start.