AFK Gaming

Five Mistakes Most Reyna Players Make in Valorant


Reyna is a duelist agent in Valorant whose unique skillset makes her an ultimate frag machine, if played correctly.


Passive Start To Rounds: Heal and Dismiss remain inactive unless Reyna takes a frag, so hunt that first kill instead of playing passive.


Not Using Utility Correctly: Holding back on abilities early in the round and going for dry peeks while taking on the enemy team.


Deep Site Holds: Giving enemy team a lot of space by not contesting hard corners and taking fights.


Poor Repositioning: After using Dismiss, most Reyna players do not reposition to a better angle.


Fear Of Pushing: If a Reyna player is running from a gun fight or is afraid to push for information, half the match is already lost.


These are some of the most common mistakes that majority of the Reyna players make and most can be easily fixed with practice.
