AFK Gaming

Most Iconic Moments in The International History - Part Three


Despite taking a long break in 2018, ana's Phantom Lancer performance in Game 4 of TI8 was spectacular as many people did not notice that he had sold his items for a game-winning buyback.


Despite INSaNiA's infamous "Gyrocopter ban" at TI9, Alliance almost managed to make it work against RNG. However the loss has cemented the moment in Dota 2 history.

Techies' announcement at TI4 was an iconic moment of its own, as it was revealed and demonstrated during the All-Star match. The person who had the honor of playing it first was Arteezy.


TI11 also recently added its fair share of iconic moment, as the match between Entity and RNG became the longest game to be ever played on the main stage in TI history.


While many predicted TNC Predator to fall at TI6 against OG, Kuku's infamous Huskar last pick eliminated OG in what would be one of the most iconic moments in the game's history.


The All-Stars match at TI3 was an exciting matchup between some of the best players at the time. However, what makes this moment iconic was when Dendi dancing on the main stage after killing Puppey.


Ana's IO carry at TI9 was a shocking revelation to both players and viewers alike. The hero was picked 6 times at TI9 by OG, who ended up winning its second TI title with a 100% winrate on the hero.
