AFK Gaming

Midone & Team Gets Jebaited Into A Teamwipe During Ranked Match


During the off-season, Team SMG's Yeik "MidOne" Nai Zheng has been practicing to play in the offlane for 2023.


However, during one of his ranked matches playing as Primal Beast he made one simple mistake that caused the demise of his entire team.


During the mid-game phase, Midone was attempting to assassinate the enemy team's Shadow Fiend.


However, the Shadow Fiend had nerves of steel as he casually baits Midone and the enemy Batrider with an illusion while he slowly kills Midone with his physical damage.

While the rest of Midone's teammates came to aid him, they ended up dying together as the enemy claims a teamwipe. Midone ended up losing the match according to Dotabuff.

