<div class="paragraphs"><p>Wild Rift Tier List for July 2021</p></div>
Mobile Esports

Wild Rift Tier List for July 2021

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The Wild Rift Tier List for July 2021 ranks all champions in the game from the worst to the best, based on their viability in ranked games.
Keep in mind that you also need to understand and learn how best to use these champions in order to maximize their potential.
Your playstyle will be a major factor when trying to climb the game’s ranked ladder.

The League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List for July 2021 ranks all champions in the game from the worst to the best, based on their viability in ranked games. This Wild Rift tier list for July 2021 will help players get updated on which champions are doing well in each role for the current meta. However, keep in mind that you also need to understand and learn how best to use these champions in order to maximize their potential and start winning your games. This Wild Rift tier list for July 2021 will only act as your guide on which champions are performing well. Your playstyle will be a major factor when trying to climb the game’s ranked ladder.

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Wild Rift Tier List for July 2021

Best Baron Lane Champions in Wild Rift for July 2021

Baron Lane is mostly for champions who can handle themselves alone. This lane is commonly occupied by Fighters, Tanks, and Assassin. The Baron Laner’s job is to farm as much as they can and gank other lanes or split push when needed.

SFiora, Akali, Garen, Irelia
AOlaf, Fiora, Camille, Darius, Riven
BKennen, Singed, Nasus, Gragas
CMalphite, Pantheon, Dr. Mundo, Yasuo
DTeemo, Vayne, Jax


Akali has very high mobility, allowing her to assassinate glass canon champions easily. However, she has a very high skill ceiling and would need time and practice to master her combo. Players can build Hextech Gunblade, Gluttonous Grieves with Stasis Enchant, Infinity Orb, Morellonomicon, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Void Staff.


Another champion with very high mobility. She can easily chase down targets or dodge skills shots, making her a dangerous opponent to duel against. Irelia used to struggle in the Baron lane due to how weak her wave clearing is. With the recent patch, her wave clearing just got upgraded, allowing her to easily get rid of enemy minions and easily trade blows with her opponents. Players can build Blade of the Ruined King, Gluttonous Greaves with Quicksilver Enchant, Trinity Force, Death’s Dance, Sterak’s Gage, and Guardian Angel.

Best Jungle Lane Champions in Wild Rift for July 2021

In League of Legends Wild Rift, Junglers are in charge of farming jungle creeps and securing objectives such as Dragons and Baron. This is the best role for ganking lanes as they don’t always appear on the map so players with no map vision wouldn’t know their locations.

SVi, Olaf, Camille
AJarvan IV, Pantheon, Rengar, Lee Sin, Xin Zhao
BGragas, Amumu, Greaves, Mundo, Shyvanna, Master Yi
CMalphite, Dr. Mundo, Darius, Yasuo, Evelynn, Wukong, Kha'Zix
DTeemo, Jax


Olaf is a very strong jungler with high sustain. If he activates his ultimate, it makes him immune to any type of crowd control effects making CC heavy champions useless. Players can build Black Cleaver, Glutonous Greaves with Glorious Enchant, Death’s Dance, Sterak’s Gage, Spirit Visage, and Guardian Angel.


Vi is one of the easiest and most powerful jungle champions in Wild Rift. She can reduce an opponent’s armor which can be very useful for dealing with tanks. She is also quite tanky herself as she can generate a shield. Players can build Trinity Force, Ninja Tabi with Stasis Enchant, Death’s Dance, Sterak’s Gage, Thornmail, and Guardian Angel.

Best Mid Lane Champions in Wild Rift for July 2021

Mid Lane is commonly played by Mages who can deal a ton of burst damage or assassin that have decent mobility to run around the map. They have the best position to help other lanes as they are in the middle of the map and can easily travel through the jungle river.

SZiggs, Gragas, Galio
AYasuo, Zed, Orianna, Seraphine, Twisted Fate
BGragas, Annie, Fizz, Diana, Akali, Ahri, Aurellion Sol
CKatarina, , Lux, Corki, Kennen
DEvelynn, Teemo


Galio is quite durable as a mage champion. He can also engage in team fights and can taunt enemies to keep them from running away. He is a good balance of durability and burst damage. Players can build Rod of Ages, Gluttonous Greaves with Stasis Enchant, Infinity Orb, Morellonomicon, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Void Staff.


Ziggs can easily demolish turrets with his bombs making him quite a problem if he starts split pushing lanes. He may not have the best mobility, but he does have high burst damage and poke potential. Players can build Luden’s Echo, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Lich Bane, Morellonomicon, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Void Staff.

Best Dragon Lane Champions in Wild Rift for July 2021

Dragon Lane is commonly composed of a Marksman and a Support champion. However, there are certain occasions where mages and assassins get added to the mix. A Dragon Laner’s job is to farm as much as they can so they can potentially carry the team late game once team fights are inevitable.

SKai’Sa, Corki
AJhin, Varus
BJinx, Xayah, Ezreal
CAshe, Draven, Twisted Fate
DVayne, Tristana, Miss Fortune


Kai’Sa upgrades his ability the more stats she gains. She can even be invisible for a short while allowing her to sneak up on enemies from behind or escape sticky situations. Players can build Manamune, Glutonous Greaves with Stasis Enchant, Blade of the Ruined King, Runaan’s Hurricane, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Guardian Angel.


Similar to Kai’Sa, Corki deals magic damage but scales well with attack damage stats. His ability set is built for continuously bombarding enemies with his bombs bullets to melt away their HP. Players can build Trinity Force, Gluttonous Greaves with Quicksilver Enchant, Infinity Edge, Statikk Shiv, Guardian Angel, and Mortal Reminder.

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Best Support Champions in Wild Rift for July 2021

Support champions are in charge of helping the team either through crowd control or utilities like healing and shields. These heroes mostly deal the least amount of damage, but they contribute a lot through buffs and debuffs or even as the team’s tank.

SAlistar, Janna, Rakan, Seraphine, Galio
AGalio, Braum, Soraka, Sona
BBlitzcrank, Leona, Lulu
CNami, Malphite
DAnnie, Gragas, Lux


Alistar is one of the tankiest supports in Wild Rift. His ultimate grants him 80% damage reduction which is a big deal during team fights. Players can build Zeke’s Convergence, Ninja Tabi with Gargoyle Enchant, Protector’s Vow, Dead Man’s Plate, Randuin’s Omen, and Warmog’s Armor.


As an enchanter, Janna offers a ton of utility for his allies. She can shield allies, increase their movement speed and attack damage, while also healing them through her ultimate skill. Players can build Harmonic Echo, Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Redeeming Enchant, Protector’s Vow, Ardent Censer, Athene’s Unholy Grail, and Force of Nature.

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John has been reporting developments on major mobile MOBA titles such as Mobile Legends, Wild Rift, and Arena of Valor for over two years. He also understands and follows various other PC/Mobile games such as League of Legends, Crossfire, Warcraft and more.