
S1mple Explains Why He Uses Radar During Clutch Moments Amid Akuma Cheating Controversy

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  • A Ukrainian CS:GO coach calls out s1mple, asking him why he was checking his radar during the ace clutch against Heroic at DH Masters Spring 2021.
  • S1mple responds to him and explains in detail why he was looking at his radar at times during the clutch.
  • This comes amid the ongoing Akuma cheating controversy where Akuma's lineup has been called out for checking their radar a lot unnecessarily.

Na’Vi star player Oleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev was recently called out by a Russian CS:GO coach Alexey "OverDrive" Biryukov, who shared a clip of s1mple’s ace clutch against Heroic at DreamHack Masters Spring 2021 and asked him why he was looking at the in-game radar during the clutch. This question was brought forth by OverDrive at a time when members of the Ukrainian CS:GO team Akuma are being suspected of cheating using the in-game radar at the recently concluded EPIC CIS League Spring 2021, which was the first CIS RMR event of 2021. Giving a detailed response, s1mple clarified why he was looking at the radar during the tense clutch situation and the community was completely satisfied with his reasoning.

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S1mple Clarifies The Reason Behind Using Radar During Clutch

Following OverDrive’s query as to why s1mple was looking at his radar during his ace clutch against Heroic, s1mple came forward with the following explanation. According to his tweets which were in Russian, s1mple says that he basically used the radar to visualize where his opponents might be, combining the sound made by utility used by them to the positions on the radar

As per a translation provided by ‘u/gizmondo’, this is how s1mple put it, “Look, when you enter decon and go through back halls (vent entrance), it is hard to hear from afar where exactly the grenades land. You compare (the) sound with the map and understand where it landed, what position it cut (if it is a smoke or a Molotov). If it is a flash, you understand where it was thrown, analyze and get what it tried to blind, what positions they were worried about.”

This was the main crux of his explanation, as he went on to replay the ace clutch all over again from his perspective. This play by s1mple was one of the key highlights of the tournament which won his team a crucial map on Nuke, levelling the series with Heroic ‘1-1’ and later going on to beat them ‘2-1’ to make their way into the grand final.

The explanation was accepted by the CS:GO community who got the logic behind s1mple’s statement, as the majority of them continued to criticise Akuma’s roster who allegedly checked the radar too many times during the round without any rhyme or reason, leading to a solid suspicion about them having cheated. 

The organizers of EPIC CIS League Spring 2021 has since come forward with a statement clearing Akuma of having cheated following an independent investigation. They have notified about the same to both Valve and ESIC while showing a willingness to conduct a re-investigation if deemed necessary.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.