
NBK- talks about In-Game Leadership and OG

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Cover Image Courtesy: OG CS:GO | Thumbnail Image Courtesy: Prosetting.net

Former Vitality player and current member of OG Nathan “NBK-” Schmitt spoke at length about various things related to the team. Talking about OG he stated that, “Right now we can do great things of course, but we can also just fall flat and do nothing,” as heard on the latest episode of HLTV Confirmed.

Speaking about where OG currently stands NBK- said that for a team like OG that has five new members coming together and playing under the same banner, it takes time for the team to come together.

“We are not there yet in terms of depth. So the results we had at BLAST, if we had the event every week then we might not be able to redo the same things because we might not have that exact depth of taking the same things over-and-over again because we don’t have the ability to adapt to different situations so far.”

But he feels like with time they will become better as they get “opportunities to achieve the same results over-and-over again.” All they focus on doing, for now, is work on their own game and climb the ladder.

[Also Read: NBK- Reveals the 2 things Ceb wants to Achieve with the CS:GO team]

In-game communication is the key part that an international team usually have to work a lot on but NBK- thinks otherwise, “To speak about communication in-game I think (it) is very much overrated, in the sense that it is easy to speak and understand Counter-Strike if you have half of your brain working.”

What actually bothers the team is the communication from Aleksib to us, when he is explaining to us his ideas and then the team needs to execute it properly. It was initially quite rough for the first month or so but now it is getting much better.

Finally giving his views on in-game leadership NBK- says that in theory multiple players leading a team “is probably the best way to approach Counter-Strike as a whole.”

 He believes that if there is just one in-game leader that is taking care of both T and CT sides, it is a lot of information to cover and strats to be made, so instead, the job should be shouldered by two people, each taking care of one side.

[Also Read: NBK Praises BLAST Premier]

The information brings to light where OG currently see themselves while giving us NBK-’s perspective of what he believes is the correct way to lead a team and how easy it actually is to communicate among team members from different parts of the world.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.